Hemp Seed Butter

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About Hempseed Butter


  • Synonyms: Hempseed Butter
  • INCI Name: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
  • CAS: 89958-21-4, 68334-28-1
  • Einecs: 289-644-3, 269-820-6
  • Source: Contains oil from Hemp Seeds

The Science

  • Solubility: Vegetable oil, Insoluble in water
  • Viscosity: Solid butter at room temperature that melts on contact at skin temperature (if held above that point for extended period)
  • Melting Point ° F: Melting point is about 118° F
  • Saponification Value (SAP): 175 - 200 Typically
  • Saponification Value (NAOH/oz): .134 Typically
  • Saponification Value (KOH/oz): .188 Typically
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred


  • Appearance: Light greenish yellowish butter
  • Ingredients: Hempseed Oil, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
  • Odor: Medium characteristic hemp scent
  • Natural: From natural sources
  • Extraction: Oil is extracted from hempseeds
  • Packaging: 1 lb and 3 lb is a single plastic resealable bag. 15 lb is 5 x 3 lb resealable bags. 55 lb is a single plastic Pail.
  • Shelf life: Recommended to use within 18 months.

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Cosmetics & Personal Care, Soap Making, Spa and Wellness, Home DIY,
  • Applications: Lotions, creams, lip balms, hair conditioners, face masks, makeup products, moisturizing agent in both bar and liquid soaps, formulations for skin-healing ointments and creams, massage butters, treatments for sunburn or irritated skin, homemade skin and hair care products, balms, salves.
  • Percentages: In Cold Process Soap, up to 15%, Direct Skin use 0% to 100%, melt and pour soap 1 to 2 tbs per lb of soap. Creams and lotions normally contain a minimum of at least 5% in order provide positive effects.
  • Benefits: Moisturizing properties, soothing effects on irritated skin, promotes skin healing, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant-rich, provides relief from sunburn, supports skin elasticity, easily absorbed by the skin, non-greasy texture, suitable for all skin types, aids in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Products Uses: Moisturizing creams and lotions, Hand and body balms, Facial masks and serums, Lip balms and lipsticks, Hair conditioners and masks, Hair styling products (like pomades or creams), Handmade soaps, Shaving creams, Sunscreen lotions, Bath bombs, Massage creams and Oils, Nail and cuticle creams, After-sun products, Baby care products (like lotions or diaper rash creams), Eye creams, Foot creams and lotions, Treatment salves and ointments, Stretch mark creams, Exfoliating scrubs (where it provides moisturizing properties), Soap bars, Pet care products, particularly fur and skin treatments.
  • Safety: Hempseed Butter is generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

Hempseed Butter

Hempseed butter is a luxurious and creamy substance derived from the cold pressing and subsequent refinement of hemp seeds, which come from the Cannabis sativa plant. This plant-based butter is celebrated for its skin-loving properties and has gained immense popularity in natural skincare and cosmetic formulations.


Hempseed butter possesses a rich, greenish hue, reflective of the natural color of hemp seeds. It has a mild, nutty aroma and a smooth, spreadable texture. It is solid at room temperature but melts on contact with the skin, making it ideal for topical application.

Benefits in Skincare:

When applied topically, hempseed butter provides deep hydration without clogging pores. It can soothe irritated skin, reduce signs of aging, and offer protection against environmental stressors. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a favorite among those with sensitive or problematic skin conditions.

In summary, hempseed butter stands as a versatile and beneficial ingredient in the world of natural skincare. Whether used on its own or as a component in formulations, it offers a myriad of advantages that cater to diverse skin needs, all while upholding a commitment to natural and sustainable beauty.

Hempseed Butter Uses

Hempseed butter, derived from the seeds of the hemp plant, is a versatile ingredient with several uses in personal care products due to its rich nutritional profile, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins, and proteins. Here are some of the ways you can incorporate hempseed butter into your personal care routine:

1. Skin Moisturizer:

Hempseed butter is a powerful moisturizer. The fatty acids it contains can help to replenish and protect the skin’s lipid barrier, providing deep hydration and preventing water loss. This can result in smoother, softer, and healthier-looking skin.

2. Hair Conditioner:

When applied to the hair, hempseed butter can help to moisturize, strengthen, and protect your strands. It can also provide some relief for a dry or irritated scalp. The result is shinier, healthier hair and improved scalp health.

3. Anti-Aging Properties:

Thanks to its rich antioxidant content, hempseed butter may also provide anti-aging benefits. By combating oxidative stress and inflammation, it can help to reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

4. Lip Care:

Hempseed butter is an excellent ingredient for lip balms or lipsticks due to its moisturizing properties. It can help to heal chapped lips and provide them with necessary hydration.

5. DIY Skincare Products:

Hempseed butter can be used as a base for homemade creams, lotions, balms, soaps, and other skincare products. It blends well with essential oils and other plant butters, allowing you to create custom skincare solutions that cater to your specific needs.

As with any new product, it's essential to perform a patch test before full application to ensure no adverse reactions occur.

Hempseed Butter Benefits

Hempseed butter, crafted from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, offers a cornucopia of benefits, particularly for skin and hair. Rich in nutrients and vital fatty acids, it's no wonder this plant-based butter has been hailed as a superfood for the skin. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of hempseed butter:

1. Intense Hydration:

Hempseed butter serves as an excellent moisturizer. Its lipids mirror those of our skin, ensuring deep penetration without clogging pores. This provides lasting hydration, leaving skin soft and supple.

2. Rich in Essential Fatty Acids:

This butter boasts a balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, vital for skin health. These fatty acids can combat dryness, reduce skin inflammation, and promote a healthy skin barrier.

3. Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Thanks to its gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content, hempseed butter exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it beneficial for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne-prone skin, helping to soothe inflammation and redness.

4. Anti-aging Benefits:

Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, hempseed butter can help combat premature aging. It aids in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and protecting the skin against oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

5. Benefits for Hair:

When applied to hair, hempseed butter offers deep conditioning. It can seal in moisture, combat frizz, and add a natural shine, making hair look healthier and more vibrant.

6. Protects Against Environmental Stressors:

Hempseed butter forms a protective barrier over the skin, defending against harmful environmental elements like UV rays and pollution. This protective layer locks in moisture and keeps out harmful agents.

Given its multitude of benefits, hempseed butter stands as a must-have in any natural skincare or haircare routine. Its profound nourishing properties, combined with its protective and therapeutic effects, make it an invaluable asset in beauty and wellness products.


Benefits of Hempseed Butter for Skin

Hempseed butter, derived from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, has emerged as a favorite in natural skincare routines. This plant-based butter is laden with nutrients that offer a wealth of benefits for the skin. Let's delve into the specific advantages of incorporating hempseed butter into your skincare regimen:

1. Deep Moisturization:

Hempseed butter is renowned for its intense moisturizing properties. Its fatty acid composition closely resembles that of our skin, allowing for deep penetration and hydration without leaving a greasy residue or clogging pores. This ensures that the skin remains soft, plump, and radiant.

2. Rich in Essential Fatty Acids:

Loaded with a balanced blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, hempseed butter plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy skin barrier. These fatty acids not only combat dryness but also bolster the skin's natural defense against environmental aggressors.

3. Anti-inflammatory Benefits:

Thanks to its gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content, hempseed butter possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in soothing inflamed and irritated skin, making it an ideal choice for conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and acne-prone skin.

4. Combatting Premature Aging:

Hempseed butter is a treasure trove of antioxidants and vitamins, especially Vitamin E. These components work in synergy to protect the skin from oxidative stress, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a youthful complexion.

5. Protective Barrier:

Upon application, hempseed butter forms a protective layer on the skin's surface. This barrier locks in essential moisture while shielding the skin from harmful environmental factors, such as UV rays and pollutants.

In essence, hempseed butter serves as a multifaceted skincare ingredient that addresses a range of skin concerns. From deep hydration and protection to anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits, it truly embodies nature's bounty for skin health and rejuvenation.

Can Hempseed Butter be Used for Hair Care?

Yes, hempseed butter can be an excellent addition to your hair care routine. The rich composition of essential fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins in hempseed butter can offer several benefits for your hair and scalp. Here are a few ways it can be used:

1. Moisturizer:

Hempseed butter can help to moisturize your hair and scalp. It can penetrate the hair shaft, providing deep hydration and preventing moisture loss.

2. Scalp Health:

The anti-inflammatory properties of hempseed butter can help to soothe and heal a dry, itchy, or irritated scalp. It can also help to balance oil production and maintain a healthy scalp environment.

3. Strengthens Hair:

The protein content in hempseed butter can help to strengthen your hair and reduce breakage. By providing essential nutrients to your hair follicles, it can promote healthier, stronger hair.

4. Enhances Shine:

Hempseed butter can also enhance the natural shine of your hair, leaving it looking healthier and more vibrant.

You can incorporate hempseed butter into your hair care regimen by using products that contain it as an ingredient, or by applying it directly to your hair as a mask or conditioner. Always remember to conduct a patch test when trying a new product to ensure no adverse reactions occur.

Using Hempseed Butter in DIY Skincare Recipes

Hempseed butter, with its plethora of skin-loving properties, is a fantastic addition to DIY skincare recipes. Its versatility makes it suitable for various preparations, from creams to lip balms. Here are some simple ways to incorporate hempseed butter into your homemade skincare concoctions:

1. Hempseed Body Butter:

Melt equal parts of hempseed butter, shea butter, and coconut oil in a double boiler. Once melted, remove from heat and let it cool slightly. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (like lavender or chamomile) for added fragrance and benefits. Whisk until creamy and transfer to a jar. Use it post-shower for deeply moisturized skin.

2. Hempseed Face Cream:

Melt a tablespoon of hempseed butter with equal parts of jojoba oil and rosehip seed oil. Allow it to cool, then add a few drops of vitamin E oil and an essential oil like frankincense or tea tree. Blend until smooth and store in a clean jar. Apply a small amount to your face daily for nourished, radiant skin.

3. Hempseed Lip Balm:

In a double boiler, melt two tablespoons of hempseed butter with one tablespoon of beeswax pellets and one tablespoon of almond oil. Once melted, add a few drops of peppermint or vanilla essential oil for flavor. Pour into lip balm tubes or small containers and let solidify. Use whenever your lips need hydration and protection.

4. Hempseed Exfoliating Scrub:

Combine two tablespoons of hempseed butter with three tablespoons of fine sugar or salt. Add a tablespoon of olive or grapeseed oil and a few drops of eucalyptus or lemon essential oil. Mix well and store in a jar. Use this scrub once a week for smooth, exfoliated skin.

5. Hempseed Hair Mask:

Melt two tablespoons of hempseed butter and combine with one tablespoon of argan oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply to the scalp and lengths of the hair, wrap in a warm towel, and leave for 30 minutes before shampooing out. This mask helps in moisturizing and nourishing dry and damaged hair.

These DIY recipes provide a starting point, and you can always adjust quantities or ingredients based on personal preferences and specific skin needs. Remember, when working with natural ingredients, always conduct a patch test before full application to avoid any adverse reactions.

Is Hempseed Butter Safe for All Skin Types?

Generally speaking, hempseed butter is considered safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It's non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores, and it has anti-inflammatory properties which can help soothe irritated skin.

For those with dry skin, hempseed butter can provide intense moisturization, thanks to its rich fatty acid content. For oily or acne-prone skin, it can help balance oil production without causing further breakouts or irritation.

However, everyone's skin is unique and can react differently to new products. While hempseed butter is generally well-tolerated, it's always a good idea to conduct a patch test before applying it to larger areas of the skin. This can help ensure that you won't have any adverse reactions to the product.

Individuals with a known allergy to hemp should avoid using hempseed butter. If you experience any adverse reactions such as redness, itching, swelling, or discomfort after using hempseed butter, discontinue use and seek advice from a healthcare professional or a dermatologist.

Any Side Effects of Hempseed Butter?

While hempseed butter boasts a host of beneficial properties for skin and hair, it's essential to understand any potential side effects to ensure safe usage. As with any natural ingredient, reactions can vary based on individual sensitivities. Here's a rundown of potential concerns associated with hempseed butter:

1. Allergic Reactions:

Some individuals might exhibit an allergic response to hempseed butter, especially if they have a known sensitivity to hemp or other related plants. Symptoms could include redness, itching, or swelling of the applied area. It's always wise to conduct a patch test before using any new product extensively.

2. Comedogenic Rating:

Though hempseed oil typically has a low comedogenic rating, meaning it's less likely to clog pores, individual reactions can differ. Those with acne-prone skin should monitor their skin's response to ensure that the product doesn't exacerbate breakouts.

3. Interactions with Medications:

While rare, there's a potential for hempseed products to interact with certain medications. If you're on any medication, especially those that impact the skin or immune response, consult with a healthcare professional before introducing hempseed butter into your routine.

4. Sensitivity to Added Ingredients:

If purchasing commercially-prepared hempseed butter, be mindful of any added ingredients. Fragrances, preservatives, or other additives might cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Overall, hempseed butter is generally well-tolerated by most, but it's always prudent to exercise caution. Pay attention to your skin's response, and if any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional.

Storing Hempseed Butter

Hempseed butter, like other natural butters and oils, requires proper storage to maintain its freshness, efficacy, and overall quality. To ensure you get the most out of your hempseed butter, follow these storage guidelines:

1. Cool and Dark Place:

Store hempseed butter in a cool, dark location, away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and light can cause the butter to become rancid more quickly and may also degrade its beneficial properties.

2. Airtight Container:

Always keep the butter in an airtight container to prevent contamination from external pollutants and moisture. This also helps in retaining its natural aroma and consistency.

3. Avoid Introducing Moisture:

Water or moisture can lead to mold growth. When scooping out the butter, use clean, dry utensils and ensure that no water enters the container. If your butter comes into contact with water, use it up quickly and avoid long-term storage.

4. Refrigeration for Longer Shelf Life:

If you don't plan on using your hempseed butter frequently, or if you've made a large batch of a DIY product, consider refrigerating it. While it might solidify, you can easily soften it by warming a portion in your hands or placing the container in warm water for a few minutes.

5. Check for Changes:

Periodically inspect your hempseed butter for any changes in aroma, color, or texture. If it starts to smell off or if you notice any mold or separation, it's best to discard it.

By adhering to these storage guidelines, you can extend the shelf life of your hempseed butter and ensure that it remains safe and effective for skin and hair applications. Proper storage practices ensure that you reap the maximum benefits from this nourishing natural ingredient.

Can Hempseed Butter be Used as a Lip Balm?

Yes, hempseed butter can be an excellent choice for lip care and can effectively be used as a lip balm. Its rich content of essential fatty acids makes it a powerful moisturizer, providing deep hydration for your lips.

In addition, the nutrients found in hempseed butter, including vitamins and antioxidants, can help to protect your lips from environmental stressors like harsh weather conditions, thereby preventing chapped and dry lips.

You can apply hempseed butter directly to your lips or look for lip care products that include hempseed butter as one of their main ingredients. As with any product applied to your skin, you should perform a patch test to ensure that you won't have any adverse reactions.

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