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Coffee Essential Oil

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SoapGoods Inc
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About Coffee Essential Oil


  • Synonyms:
  • Botanical Name: Coffea arabica
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Plant Part: Bean
  • Plant Description: The earliest cultivated species of coffee tree and still the most widely grown. It produces approximately 70% of the world's coffee, and is dramatically superior in cup quality to the other principal commercial coffee species, Coffea canephora or Robusta. All fine, specialty, and fancy coffees come from Coffea arabica trees.
  • Extraction Method: Cold-pressed of the green or roasted beans/seeds.

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Coffee Essential Oil smells just like a fresh brewed pot of coffee. It is both warming and invigorating.
  • Aromatic Strength: Medium to Strong
  • Note: Base
  • Blends Well with: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, Lavender, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Patchouli
  • Consistency: Medium to Thick Note: Medium to Base

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Dark Brown
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Personal Care, Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Soap Making, Perfumery, Home Fragrance, Skincare, Haircare, Massage Therapy, Spa and Wellness, Beauty Products, Cleaning Products, Scented Candles, Incense Manufacturing, Textile Industry
  • Applications: Skincare products, Haircare formulations, Bath products, Scented candles, Room sprays, Massage oils, Perfumes, Aromatherapy diffusers, Incense, Soap making, Cosmetic making, Moisturizers, Shampoos, Conditioners, Lotions, Scrubs, Face masks, Anti-aging serums, Lip balms, Hand sanitizers, Air fresheners, Fabric refreshers, Potpourri, Cleaning agents, Deodorizers
  • Benefits: Antioxidant properties, Skin rejuvenation, Anti-inflammatory effects, Improves blood circulation, Mood enhancement, Stress relief, Natural deodorizer, Promotes hair growth, Reduces cellulite, Anti-aging benefits, Anti-microbial properties, Helps in skin tightening, Energizing aroma, Enhances mental alertness, Relieves muscle tension, Aids in relaxation, Helps manage oily skin, Supports wound healing, Reduces puffiness and dark circles under eyes, Helps remove toxins from skin, Provides a natural glow
  • Products Uses: Skincare products, Haircare formulations, Massage oils, Bath oils, Aromatherapy diffusers, Natural perfumes, Body lotions, Soaps, Face masks, Room sprays, Air fresheners, Scented candles, Hand sanitizers, Lip balms, Anti-aging creams, Foot scrubs, Beard oils, Shampoos, Conditioners, Hand creams, Acne treatments, DIY cleaning products, Scented crafts, Insect repellents
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

What is Coffee Essential Oil?

Coffee Essential Oil is a unique, aromatic oil that is derived from the beans of the Coffea plant. Unlike the beverage that wakes millions of people up every morning, Coffee Essential Oil serves a different but equally exciting purpose in the world of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics. The oil captures the essence and aroma of coffee, offering a wide range of applications that go far beyond just aroma to include an array of skin-enhancing benefits.

How is Coffee Essential Oil Made?

Typically obtained through cold-pressing or steam distillation, the oil is extracted from coffee beans that have been carefully selected and treated. The process captures not just the scent but also various phytochemicals that contribute to the oil's efficacy in skincare and other personal care applications.

What Makes Coffee Essential Oil Unique?

The uniqueness of Coffee Essential Oil lies in its chemical constituents, which include antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and essential fatty acids. These compounds make the oil a potent ingredient for skin care solutions, targeting issues like aging, dull skin, and even cellulite.

Applications in Personal Care

Why Use Coffee Essential Oil in Skincare?

Coffee Essential Oil is rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from environmental stressors. Its caffeic acid content also boosts collagen production, making it a valuable ingredient for anti-aging products. The oil's unique compounds can provide toning effects, making the skin look smoother and more vibrant.

Benefits in Hair Care

While not as commonly used in hair care as in skin care, Coffee Essential Oil does offer benefits such as improved hair texture and shine. Its antioxidant properties can also protect the scalp and hair from environmental damage.

Applications in Soap Making

What Role Does Coffee Essential Oil Play in Soap Making?

In the realm of soap making, Coffee Essential Oil offers both aromatic and functional benefits. The robust aroma of coffee can be a comforting scent, making it a popular choice for artisanal soap makers. Beyond its scent, the oil's antioxidants can provide added skin benefits, transforming ordinary soap into a skincare product in its own right.

Pairing with Other Ingredients

When it comes to soap making, Coffee Essential Oil pairs well with other oils and additives like cinnamon, vanilla, and cocoa to create multi-dimensional scents and effects. For a more luxurious experience, it can be combined with moisturizing oils like coconut or olive oil.

Applications in Cosmetics

How Does Coffee Essential Oil Enhance Cosmetic Products?

The revitalizing effects of Coffee Essential Oil make it an excellent addition to cosmetic formulations, especially those aimed at rejuvenating the skin. It can be incorporated into lotions, creams, and even makeup items to deliver its range of benefits.

Creating Signature Fragrances

Beyond its skincare benefits, the evocative aroma of Coffee Essential Oil can be used to create signature fragrances in perfumes and body sprays. When blended skillfully with other essential oils, it can contribute to complex scent profiles that capture attention and linger in memory.

From its unique aroma to its impressive range of skin benefits, Coffee Essential Oil is a versatile ingredient that is carving a niche for itself in the world of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics. Its rich profile of antioxidants and essential fatty acids makes it a sought-after ingredient for those looking to enhance the quality and efficacy of their products.

Uses of Coffee Essential Oil

Coffee Essential Oil, derived from the beans of the Coffea plant, captures the rich, aromatic essence of freshly brewed coffee. Beyond its inviting scent, this oil boasts a myriad of benefits and applications ranging from skincare to aromatherapy. Here's a comprehensive look at the diverse uses of Coffee Essential Oil.

Aromatherapy and Mood Enhancement

Much like a morning cup of coffee can invigorate the senses, the aroma of Coffee Essential Oil can uplift and awaken. When diffused or inhaled, its warm, robust scent can help combat feelings of drowsiness, improving focus and concentration. Additionally, its comforting fragrance can alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being.

Skincare Benefits

Coffee Essential Oil is a cherished ingredient in the skincare world. Rich in antioxidants, it combats free radicals, thus offering anti-aging benefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce puffiness, making it a popular choice for under-eye treatments. Moreover, when incorporated into creams or lotions, it can improve blood circulation, potentially helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite and providing the skin with a radiant glow.

Hair Care

Incorporating Coffee Essential Oil into hair care routines can be beneficial for the scalp and hair follicles. Its stimulating properties can enhance blood flow to the scalp, potentially promoting hair growth. Additionally, its strong aroma can mask unpleasant odors, leaving hair with a refreshing coffee scent.

Natural Perfumery

Given its full-bodied and rich aroma, Coffee Essential Oil is often used in natural perfumery. It acts as a strong middle to base note, providing depth and warmth to perfume blends. When combined with vanilla, cocoa, or nutty scents, it can create a delightful, gourmet fragrance profile.

Massage Oil Blends

Adding Coffee Essential Oil to massage oil blends can offer both aromatic and therapeutic benefits. The invigorating scent enhances the massage experience, while its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe sore muscles and improve overall circulation.

Home Deodorizing

For those who love the comforting aroma of coffee, this essential oil can be used as a natural deodorizer. Whether diffused or added to homemade cleaning sprays, its strong fragrance can neutralize odors and fill spaces with the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Enhancement in Handmade Products

Artisans crafting handmade soaps, candles, or cosmetics often turn to Coffee Essential Oil to infuse their products with a natural coffee aroma. Not only does it add a delightful scent, but it also brings along its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, adding value to the end product.

Repelling Insects

While humans might adore the smell of coffee, certain pests do not share this sentiment. Coffee Essential Oil can be used as a natural repellent, deterring insects like mosquitoes and ants from lingering.

Blending with Other Oils

Coffee Essential Oil has a distinct aroma that pairs well with various other essential oils. Some popular combinations include vanilla for a sweet, comforting blend or citrus oils for a bright, uplifting mix. Blending allows for the creation of unique aromatic profiles tailored to individual preferences.

In essence, Coffee Essential Oil offers an array of applications that go far beyond its delightful aroma. Its therapeutic properties combined with its invigorating scent make it a versatile addition to one's essential oil collection, suitable for enhancing both well-being and the ambiance of spaces.

Main Benefits of Coffee Essential Oil

The deep, aromatic essence of Coffee Essential Oil is reminiscent of the warmth and comfort of a freshly brewed cup. However, beyond its pleasant scent, Coffee Essential Oil possesses numerous benefits. Let's delve into the primary advantages of incorporating this unique oil into your wellness routine and daily life.

1. Antioxidant Properties

Coffee Essential Oil is abundant in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in neutralizing harmful free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can damage the skin by causing premature aging, wrinkles, and even some health conditions. By fighting off these free radicals, Coffee Essential Oil can help maintain youthful and vibrant skin.

2. Mood Enhancement and Mental Alertness

Much like drinking coffee can kickstart your day, the aroma of Coffee Essential Oil can stimulate the senses and invigorate the mind. When diffused or inhaled, its scent can help enhance mood, reduce feelings of fatigue, and improve focus and clarity.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

The oil is imbued with anti-inflammatory properties, making it a soothing agent for various skin conditions. It can help reduce puffiness, redness, and swelling, offering relief to irritated skin. This makes it a favored choice for skincare formulations meant to calm the skin.

4. Enhances Hair Health

With its ability to stimulate and improve circulation, Coffee Essential Oil can potentially boost hair growth. It rejuvenates hair follicles, strengthens the roots, and imparts a lovely coffee aroma to the hair. This makes it a valuable addition to hair care routines and products.

5. Skin Cell Rejuvenation

The stimulating properties of Coffee Essential Oil enhance blood flow, especially when applied topically to the skin. This increased circulation promotes the healthy regeneration of skin cells, giving the skin a more radiant and glowing appearance. Additionally, it can also help in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

6. Natural Insect Repellent

The robust aroma of coffee is not particularly appealing to certain insects. Thus, Coffee Essential Oil can act as a natural repellent, deterring pests like mosquitoes and preventing bites. It offers a pleasant alternative to chemical-laden repellents in the market.

7. Respiratory Relief

When used in aromatherapy, Coffee Essential Oil can provide relief from nasal congestion. Its warm scent can open up the respiratory passages, making breathing easier, especially for those who suffer from colds or allergies.

8. Natural Deodorizer

The strong and inviting scent of coffee can neutralize unwanted odors in spaces. By diffusing Coffee Essential Oil or incorporating it into cleaning products, one can effectively combat persistent smells, leaving spaces refreshed and comforting.

9. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

The aroma of Coffee Essential Oil is not just invigorating but also comforting. It has the power to soothe nerves and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This makes it a valuable oil to have on hand, especially after a long, tiring day.

10. Improves Skin Texture

When used as part of a skincare regimen, Coffee Essential Oil can help improve the overall texture of the skin. It aids in exfoliation, removing dead skin cells, and revealing a smoother, more refined skin surface.

Drawing from the rich reserves of the coffee bean, Coffee Essential Oil offers a blend of therapeutic, cosmetic, and aromatic benefits. Whether it's for skincare, haircare, or simply to uplift the spirit, this oil serves as a versatile tool in the holistic wellness toolkit.

Principal Constituents of Coffee Essential Oil

Coffee Essential Oil is derived from the roasted beans of the Coffea arabica or Coffea canephora plant, more commonly known as the coffee plant. The oil captures the rich, invigorating scent of freshly brewed coffee, and its composition is just as intricate and fascinating as the beverage itself. Understanding the principal constituents of Coffee Essential Oil can provide insights into its aroma, potential benefits, and its various applications.

What are the Key Chemical Components?

The exact composition of Coffee Essential Oil can vary depending on the specific species of coffee bean, the region where it was grown, and the method of extraction. However, the most prevalent chemical constituents typically found in this essential oil include:

  • Caffeine: While not as concentrated as in the beverage, Coffee Essential Oil does contain a small amount of caffeine. Caffeine has been known for its stimulating properties, which may have potential skin-tightening effects when applied topically.
  • Kahweol and Cafestol: These diterpenes are unique to coffee and have been researched for their potential antioxidant properties.
  • 16-O-Methylcafestol: Found primarily in Arabica coffee, this compound also possesses antioxidant properties.
  • Eugenol: Commonly found in various essential oils, eugenol contributes to the aromatic profile of the oil and has potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Methoxypyrazines: These compounds give coffee its distinctive earthy aroma and taste. In the essential oil, they play a role in the oil's characteristic scent.
  • Furanones: Contributing to the warm, caramel-like undertones of Coffee Essential Oil, furanones also play a role in the rich scent profile of the oil.

It's important to note that while Coffee Essential Oil contains these constituents, their concentrations are typically much lower than in brewed coffee. Hence, while the oil retains the aromatic qualities of coffee, it does not necessarily impart the same physiological effects as consuming the beverage.

For those interested in incorporating Coffee Essential Oil into their routines or products, it is essential to source the oil from reputable suppliers who provide details on the oil's composition and purity. This ensures that users are benefiting from a high-quality product that is free from contaminants and adulterants.

Is Coffee Essential Oil Safe for Pets?

When it comes to the use of essential oils, including Coffee Essential Oil, extreme caution should be exercised around pets. Dogs, cats, and other small animals have different metabolic pathways and are more sensitive to volatile compounds, making them more susceptible to toxicity from essential oils.

What Are the Potential Risks?

The key constituents in Coffee Essential Oil are similar to those found in caffeinated coffee, and we know that caffeine is toxic to dogs, cats, and many other pets. Even in small amounts, caffeine can lead to rapid heartbeat, hyperactivity, and digestive issues in pets. In more severe cases, caffeine poisoning could lead to seizures or even death.

Is Diffusing Safe?

While diffusing Coffee Essential Oil might seem harmless, even the aromatic compounds can be overwhelming and potentially harmful to pets. Birds, for example, have extremely sensitive respiratory systems and could react adversely to the vapors. Cats lack certain liver enzymes that make it difficult for them to metabolize various substances, including the compounds found in essential oils.

What Precautions Should be Taken?

If you are considering using Coffee Essential Oil in a household with pets, consult a veterinarian for advice tailored to your specific animals. Ensure the area is well-ventilated, and consider using a closed-door policy to prevent pets from entering rooms where essential oils are being diffused. If you suspect that your pet has ingested or come into contact with Coffee Essential Oil, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

While Coffee Essential Oil offers a variety of benefits for humans, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks it poses to our pets. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian before using any essential oils in a pet-friendly household.

Is Coffee Essential Oil Used in Aromatherapy?

Coffee Essential Oil is increasingly gaining attention in the field of aromatherapy for its unique aromatic profile and potential benefits. Originating from the beans of the Coffea plant, this oil possesses a rich, robust aroma that is akin to a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The scent is comforting and invigorating, often evoking a sense of warmth and alertness.

What are the Emotional Benefits?

In aromatherapy, the scent of coffee is generally associated with feelings of warmth, comfort, and emotional upliftment. Just as a cup of coffee may boost your morning mood, the aroma of Coffee Essential Oil can provide a similar emotional lift. The scent is often considered grounding and is thought to help focus the mind, making it a popular choice for use in meditative practices or during stressful times.

How Does it Affect the Body?

While most studies on coffee focus on its consumed form, the aromatic benefits of Coffee Essential Oil should not be underestimated. The oil's aroma has been reported to produce a stimulating effect, which can help to invigorate the senses. Some people also find it helpful for respiratory issues, as inhaling the vapor may open up airways, although scientific backing for this is limited.

How to Use Coffee Essential Oil in Aromatherapy?

For aromatherapy purposes, Coffee Essential Oil can be diffused using an essential oil diffuser or a few drops can be added to a bowl of hot water for inhalation. It can also be blended with other oils like vanilla or cinnamon to create a multi-layered aromatic experience. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines and dilution ratios when using the oil.

What is the History of Coffee Essential Oil?

The journey of Coffee Essential Oil is intimately linked with the rich history of coffee itself. Coffee, believed to have originated in Ethiopia, has been a part of human civilization for centuries, offering warmth, alertness, and social connection. While coffee as a beverage has its own intricate history, the essential oil derived from coffee beans holds a special place in traditional and modern practices.

Where Did Coffee Essential Oil Originate?

Just like coffee, Coffee Essential Oil is believed to have its roots in Africa, specifically Ethiopia. The legend of Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder who discovered coffee when he noticed his goats dancing energetically after eating coffee cherries, offers a whimsical glimpse into coffee's origins. Over time, the use of coffee spread from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, then to Europe and the Americas. With the widespread cultivation of coffee, the potential for utilizing all parts of the coffee plant, including the beans for extracting oil, became increasingly evident.

How Has It Been Traditionally Used?

In traditional practices, coffee and its by-products, including Coffee Essential Oil, were utilized not just for their stimulating effects but also for medicinal purposes. The oil has been historically used for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. While the beans were primarily processed for the beverage, the residual by-products found application in various household and wellness routines.

Modern-Day Applications

In the modern era, Coffee Essential Oil has found its way into an array of applications, especially in personal care, soap making, and cosmetic products. The rich, aromatic, and therapeutic qualities of the oil make it a sought-after ingredient in skincare and beauty regimes. As more research is conducted into its properties and potential benefits, the popularity of Coffee Essential Oil continues to grow, building upon its storied past to create a dynamic and promising future.

Are There Any Safety Concerns Associated with Coffee Essential Oil?

While Coffee Essential Oil offers a myriad of benefits in the realms of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics, it's essential to exercise caution and be aware of potential safety concerns. Although it is generally considered safe for topical use when properly diluted, there are instances where caution is advised.

Is Coffee Essential Oil Safe for All Skin Types?

For the most part, Coffee Essential Oil is safe for topical use, especially when diluted appropriately with a carrier oil. However, it's always advised to conduct a patch test before fully incorporating it into your skincare regimen. Some individuals with sensitive or allergy-prone skin may experience irritation or allergic reactions. If you notice any redness, itching, or discomfort after application, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

Can it Be Used During Pregnancy?

While there is no definitive evidence to suggest that Coffee Essential Oil is harmful during pregnancy, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise caution when using essential oils, and Coffee Essential Oil is no exception.

Interaction with Other Oils and Ingredients

Be cautious when mixing Coffee Essential Oil with other essential oils or active skincare ingredients. The combination could either amplify or negate the effects of the oil or even cause adverse skin reactions. Always follow formulation guidelines when creating DIY products.

Exposure to Sunlight

Although Coffee Essential Oil is not known to be phototoxic, some essential oils can increase your skin's sensitivity to sunlight. If you're using Coffee Essential Oil in a blend with other oils, be sure to check their individual safety profiles, especially regarding sun exposure.

Internal Use

It's worth noting that Coffee Essential Oil is generally not recommended for internal use unless under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Always prioritize safety and proper usage to get the most benefit from this versatile oil.


How Do You Make a Room Smell Good with Coffee?

The rich, aromatic scent of coffee is loved by many around the world. It evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, and invigoration. While brewing a pot of coffee is a surefire way to fill a room with its delightful aroma, there are several other methods to utilize the scent of coffee to refresh your living spaces.

Can Coffee Essential Oil Be Used as an Air Freshener?

Absolutely! Coffee Essential Oil captures the essence of freshly brewed coffee in concentrated form. Here's how you can use it:

  • Diffuser: Add a few drops of Coffee Essential Oil to your essential oil diffuser, fill with water, and let it run. The aroma will spread throughout the room, providing a comforting coffee scent.
  • Spray Mist: In a spray bottle, combine a few drops of Coffee Essential Oil with distilled water and a splash of witch hazel or alcohol as a dispersant. Shake well and spray in the room as desired. This can also be used on linens or upholstery to refresh them with the scent of coffee.

What About Using Ground Coffee Beans?

Ground coffee beans can act as a natural deodorizer and can help absorb and neutralize odors:

  • Dry Sachets: Fill small fabric sachets or muslin bags with dry, unused coffee grounds. Place these sachets in areas where you want to neutralize odors, such as in shoes, closets, or drawers. The coffee will absorb unpleasant smells and replace them with its own rich aroma.
  • Bowl Method: Simply place a bowl of dry, unused coffee grounds in a room to act as a natural air freshener. This method is particularly effective in areas like bathrooms or kitchens where odors can be more pronounced.

Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or just someone looking to infuse your living spaces with a comforting aroma, coffee, in its many forms, provides a natural and effective way to enhance the ambiance of any room. Its universal appeal makes it a favorite choice for those seeking a scent that's both familiar and invigorating.

The Artisan's Choice for Soap and Cosmetic Ingredients

In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

SoapGoods is an online-only retailer that has carved out a space in the market by catering to the specific needs of those passionate about handcrafted soap, skincare, and cosmetics. Offering an array of high-quality ingredients and supplies, SoapGoods aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything needed to create personal care items, from the basic to the most intricate.


The product range at SoapGoods is vast and encompasses a wide variety of categories. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Oils and Butters: Fundamental to soap-making, oils and butters like olive oil pomace, coconut oil 76, shea butter refined, and cocoa butter natural provide the base for many formulations. Each oil or butter possesses unique properties, be it moisturizing capabilities, lathering quality, or hardness.
  • Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils: To give handmade soaps and cosmetics their distinctive scents, SoapGoods offers a diverse selection of essential oils derived from natural plants and fragrance oils which are more complex, synthetic scents.
  • Additives: From natural clays and botanicals to exfoliating agents like pumice and walnut shell, these additives help enhance the texture, appearance, and benefits of the final product.
  • Colorants: SoapGoods provides a range of pigments, dyes, and micas, allowing crafters to achieve the perfect hue for their creations.
  • Molds and Equipment: Beyond ingredients, SoapGoods stocks a variety of tools and equipment. Silicone molds, thermometers, pH testers, and more ensure that hobbyists and professionals can craft their products with precision.
  • Packaging Supplies: For those looking to sell or gift their creations, the store offers an assortment of packaging materials, including bottles, jars and shrink wraps.

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One of the standout features of SoapGoods is its commitment to quality. Many products are sourced to ensure they are non-GMO, and from reputable sources. After 20 years in the industry, we have been able to find the highest quality sources at fair prices. This dedication to quality resonates with a clientele that values natural and ethical ingredients.

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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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kim henry
I made coffee and cream soap with this essential oil and It smells just like real coffee. I love how ...
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kim henry
kim henry
I made coffee and cream soap with this essential oil and It smells just like real coffee. I love how ...
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Ashley Wallis
Ashley Wallis
I'm so happy with this essential oil! I love that it smells like actual freshly brewed coffee, rather than a ...
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Gretchen Morganstern
Gretchen Morganstern
This oil has been so much fun to work with in perfume blends, bath salts & body butters - smells ...
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heather drake
heather drake
This coffee EO is excellent! It smells just the way a good cup of coffee should. I can't wait to ...
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