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Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil

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SoapGoods Inc
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About Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil


  • Synonyms: Melaleuca alternifolia oil, Australian tea tree oil, Melaleuca oil, Tea tree essential oil
  • Botanical Name: Melaleuca Alternifolia
  • Origin: New South Wales Australia
  • Plant Part: Leaves
  • Plant Description: A small tree growing on to about twenty three feet, the Tea Tree has small soft narrow leaves and cream showy bottle brush like flowers. They produce small, closely set woody capsules on the branches
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Tee Tree Essential Oil has a fresh, antiseptic and medicinal scent. It also has characteristic mint and spice back-notes
  • Aromatic Strength: Medium
  • Note: Middle
  • Blends Well with: Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Rosewood, Rosemary and Thyme
  • Consistency: Thin

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Aromatherapy, Home Cleaning, Skin Care, Hair Care, Natural Medicine
  • Applications: Acne treatments, Shampoo and hair products, Topical antiseptics, Aromatherapy diffusers, Household cleaners, Skin creams and lotions, Insect repellents
  • Benefits: Antimicrobial properties, Anti-inflammatory effects, Reduces dandruff and scalp issues, Boosts wound healing, Natural deodorant, Insect repellent, Reduces skin inflammation, Soothes dry skin
  • Products Uses: Skin creams and ointments, Hair care products, Diffuser blends, Natural household cleaners, Hand sanitizers, Insect repellent sprays, Bath additives, Topical treatments for cuts and scrapes
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

General Description of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil

Origin and Extraction

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil, also commonly referred to as Melaleuca oil, is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree native to Australia. The oil is usually obtained through steam distillation, a process that helps to preserve the potent compounds in the oil.

Aromatic Profile

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil has a strong, medicinal, and somewhat pungent aroma. The scent is both fresh and clean, making it a popular choice for purifying air and surfaces. Its fragrance is also versatile enough to blend well with various other essential oils including lavender, lemon, and eucalyptus.

Chemical Composition

The primary constituents in Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil are terpinen-4-ol, γ-terpinene, α-terpinene, and 1,8-cineole. These components contribute to the oil's unique properties and applications, particularly in the realm of personal care and cosmetics.

Cosmetic Applications

In the cosmetics industry, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is a go-to ingredient for a variety of skin-care products. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it an excellent addition to creams, lotions, and serums designed to tackle acne, redness, and other skin conditions.

Personal Care

In the realm of personal care, this essential oil is widely used in formulations for shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and toothpaste. Its antibacterial properties make it effective in fighting odor-causing bacteria, and its soothing capabilities can help with scalp conditions such as dandruff.

Soap Making

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is a staple in the soap-making community. Not only does the oil bring a fresh and invigorating scent to the soap, but it also offers antibacterial and antifungal benefits. This makes Tea Tree soap ideal for both facial and body cleansing, effectively removing impurities without drying the skin.

Candle Making and Diffusing

This essential oil is not just limited to skin and hair care products. It's a popular choice in the making of candles and in diffuser blends, often mixed with other calming or invigorating oils to create a desired ambiance. Its strong antiseptic properties also mean that it’s effective in cleansing the air when diffused.

DIY Cosmetics

For those who prefer homemade personal care items, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil can be added to facial masks, scrubs, and even makeup removers. A little goes a long way, so only a few drops are generally sufficient to provide the desired effects.

Sustainability and Sourcing

Because of its popularity, there has been increasing attention on sustainable sourcing practices for Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil. As a consumer, it’s important to buy from companies that provide information on how they source their oil and what sustainability practices they employ.

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is an incredibly versatile oil with a wide range of applications, particularly in the fields of personal care and cosmetics. Its unique combination of antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties make it invaluable in a host of products, from skincare and haircare to soap and candle making.

Uses of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil


The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil make it a highly sought-after ingredient in skincare. It is often found in face washes, toners, and moisturizers aimed at reducing acne and skin inflammation.


When it comes to haircare, this oil is incorporated in shampoos and conditioners designed to tackle issues like dandruff and oily scalp. It cleanses the scalp effectively and soothes irritation, making it ideal for people with sensitive or itchy scalps.

Oral Care

While not edible, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil can still be used in the formulation of toothpaste and mouthwashes to combat oral bacteria and promote overall gum health.

Soap Making

The oil’s antibacterial properties make it a valuable additive in homemade soaps. Whether in bar soap or liquid formulations, Tea Tree oil contributes both its cleansing abilities and its fresh, medicinal aroma.


The antibacterial properties of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil also find application in natural deodorants. The oil targets and neutralizes odor-causing bacteria,

What are the Main Benefits of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil, derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, native to Australia, is renowned for its multifaceted therapeutic properties. Revered by both indigenous communities and modern cultures alike, this essential oil boasts an array of benefits, making it an indispensable element in many personal care and therapeutic products.

Is Tea Tree Essential Oil a Potent Antimicrobial Agent?

One of the most celebrated attributes of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is its powerful antimicrobial properties. It's known to be effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Its prowess as a natural antiseptic makes it an ideal choice for treating minor wounds, cuts, and scrapes, reducing the risk of infections.

How Does Tea Tree Essential Oil Influence Skin Health?

Acne, which arises from the blockage of hair follicles by oil and dead skin cells, often involves bacterial infections. Tea tree oil's antimicrobial properties make it an effective natural remedy for acne, helping to reduce inflammation and prevent outbreaks. Moreover, it has shown promise in alleviating symptoms of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, offering relief from itching and inflammation.

Can Tea Tree Essential Oil Promote Hair Health?

The scalp can be susceptible to fungal infections that cause dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. The antifungal properties of tea tree oil can help combat these conditions, promoting a healthier scalp. By unclogging hair follicles and nourishing the roots, it also fosters hair growth and reduces hair loss.

Does Tea Tree Essential Oil Act as a Natural Deodorant?

Body odor is often caused by the metabolic activities of bacteria breaking down sweat. Due to its antimicrobial properties, Tea Tree Essential Oil can neutralize these odors, making it a natural alternative to commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.

How Does Tea Tree Essential Oil Function as an Insect Repellent?

Its strong scent and insecticidal properties make Tea Tree Essential Oil an effective natural repellent against mosquitoes, flies, and other pests. This offers a chemical-free alternative to traditional repellents, ensuring safety for both the environment and the user.

Is Tea Tree Essential Oil Beneficial for Respiratory Health?

When inhaled, the vapors of this oil can act as an expectorant, helping to loosen phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tracts. It also possesses anti-inflammatory effects which can relieve symptoms of coughs, colds, and the flu.

What About the Aromatherapeutic Properties of Tea Tree Essential Oil?

Used in aromatherapy, Tea Tree Essential Oil is known to invigorate the mind and body. Its fresh and medicinal scent can reduce feelings of fatigue and lethargy, rejuvenating the senses. Additionally, its anti-anxiety properties can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.

In summary, the multifarious benefits of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil, from skincare and haircare to therapeutic uses, are backed by a combination of traditional wisdom and modern research. Its versatility ensures that it remains a staple in various wellness and personal care products.

What are the Principal Constituents of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil's myriad benefits can be attributed to its complex chemical makeup. The oil comprises numerous compounds, each contributing to its distinct therapeutic properties.

What Role Does Terpinen-4-ol Play?

Terpinen-4-ol is the primary active ingredient in tea tree oil and is responsible for its potent antimicrobial properties. This compound exhibits strong antiseptic capabilities, making the oil effective against a wide range of pathogens.

How Does γ-Terpinene Contribute?

γ-Terpinene supports the antimicrobial action of the oil, especially when working synergistically with Terpinen-4-ol. This compound enhances the oil's ability to combat bacterial and fungal infections.

What is the Significance of α-Terpinene?

α-Terpinene is another constituent that reinforces the oil's antiseptic properties. It enhances the overall antimicrobial efficacy of the oil, ensuring a broad spectrum of action against various pathogens.

Other noteworthy constituents include α-Pinene, which provides the oil with a distinctive piney aroma and also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. 1,8-cineole, often associated with eucalyptus, imparts a fresh, camphorous note to the scent and contributes

How Does Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil Affect Pets?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is renowned for its myriad of benefits in human use, from its antiseptic properties to its refreshing aroma. However, when it comes to pets, especially cats and dogs, the oil demands caution. Animals metabolize and react to substances differently than humans, and what's beneficial for us might be harmful to them.

Is Tea Tree Essential Oil Toxic to Pets?

While small, diluted amounts of tea tree oil might be used safely on certain pets for specific purposes under professional guidance, undiluted or even diluted tea tree oil can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness, lack of coordination, vomiting, hypothermia, and even more severe reactions in some cases.

What About Topical Application on Pets?

Many pet owners have been enticed by the idea of using tea tree oil to combat fleas, ticks, or skin conditions in their pets. However, due to the risks of poisoning, it's crucial to approach this with extreme caution. Some pets may experience skin irritation, redness, or even burns when exposed to even diluted forms of the oil. Always consult with a veterinarian before attempting any topical treatments.

What Precautions Should Pet Owners Take?

Ensure that any product containing tea tree oil is stored safely out of reach of pets. If using the oil in a diffuser, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and monitor your pets for any signs of distress. If you suspect your pet has come into contact with or ingested tea tree oil, seek veterinary care immediately.

In conclusion, while Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil offers numerous benefits for humans, it's essential to tread cautiously when introducing this, or any essential oil, into a household with pets. Their safety and well-being should always be the primary concern.

How is Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil Utilized in Aromatherapy?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil holds a revered position in the realm of aromatherapy. This therapeutic discipline, which utilizes aromatic plant extracts to promote well-being, appreciates tea tree oil not just for its medicinal qualities but also for its impact on emotional health.

What Aromatherapeutic Benefits Does Tea Tree Essential Oil Offer?

With its fresh, medicinal, and slightly camphorous aroma, tea tree oil is believed to cleanse and purify. Aromatherapists often use the oil to alleviate feelings of fatigue and lethargy, invoking a sense of rejuvenation. Its invigorating scent can provide a mental boost, aiding in clarity and focus.

How Can Tea Tree Essential Oil Promote Emotional Balance?

On an emotional level, tea tree oil is known for its grounding properties. By fostering a sense of balance and calm, it aids in dispelling anxiety and nervous tension. The oil's refreshing scent serves as a gentle reminder of resilience and inner strength, especially during challenging times.

How is it Integrated into Aromatherapy Practices?

Tea Tree Essential Oil can be diffused in the environment using ultrasonic or steam diffusers. When inhaled, its constituents can exert a beneficial influence on the respiratory system, making it a favorite during the cold and flu seasons. Blended with other complementary essential oils, such as lavender or eucalyptus, its aromatherapeutic impact is enhanced, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

Conclusively, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil's versatility in aromatherapy underscores its value in promoting both physical and emotional well-being. Whether used individually or in blends, its contributions to holistic health are undeniable.

History of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil

Indigenous Use

Long before its introduction to the Western world, the indigenous people of Australia, particularly the Bundjalung people, were well-acquainted with the properties of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree from which Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is derived. They used the leaves of the tree for various medicinal purposes, such as treating cuts, burns, and infections.

Scientific Discovery and Recognition

The oil first gained international attention in the early 20th century. An Australian chemist, Arthur Penfold, published research demonstrating the oil's antiseptic properties, claiming it to be eleven times more potent than phenol, a popular antiseptic of the time. This prompted further research and eventually led to the commercial production of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil.

World War II and Beyond

During World War II, the oil became a staple in first-aid kits for Australian soldiers. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties made it invaluable for treating tropical infections and other war-inflicted conditions. After the war, the oil's popularity declined for a brief period as synthetic antibiotics gained precedence. However, with the advent of antibiotic resistance and the rise of natural medicine in recent decades, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil has made a triumphant comeback.

Modern Day Relevance

Today, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is recognized globally and is a staple in a variety of personal care and cosmetic products. It remains one of the most researched and scientifically backed essential oils, consistently proving its worth in various therapeutic and cosmetic applications.

Additional Safety Concerns of Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil

Topical Sensitivity

Although generally considered safe when used topically, Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction in some individuals. It is advisable to perform a patch test before using the oil extensively on the skin.

Not for Internal Use

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is toxic when ingested and should never be taken orally. Ingesting even a small amount can lead to severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, confusion, and possibly even coma.

Children and Pets

Extra care should be taken when using Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil around children and pets. Due to its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, the oil can be harsh if not properly diluted or if used excessively. Moreover, it can be extremely toxic to pets if ingested, even in small amounts.

Interaction with Medication

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil may interact with certain medications and other forms of treatment. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating it into your regimen, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication.

Storage and Shelf Life

Proper storage is essential to maintain the efficacy of the oil. It should be stored in a cool, dark place and ideally used within a year of opening. Exposure to heat, light, or air can deteriorate the oil's quality and effectiveness.


How Do You Use Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil for Toenail Fungus?

What is the General Approach to Using Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is popularly used for its antifungal properties, which can be beneficial in treating toenail fungus. The general approach involves topical application of the oil directly onto the affected toenails.

How Do You Prepare the Affected Area?

Before applying Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil, it's essential to prepare the toenail area for treatment. Wash your feet thoroughly and ensure that the toenails are clean and dry. Use a nail clipper to trim the nail, especially around the affected area. Some individuals opt to use a file to thin the surface of the nail, which can facilitate better oil penetration.

What is the Application Process?

Once the affected toenail is prepared, you can apply the Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil using a cotton swab, ensuring that the oil covers the toenail comprehensively. Apply it on the surface of the toenail, around it, and under it if possible. Rub the oil gently so that it gets absorbed.

How Often Should You Apply the Oil?

The frequency of application depends on the severity of the fungal infection but is generally recommended to be done at least once or twice daily. Consistency is crucial for effective treatment.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

Although the time can vary from person to person, many users report seeing improvements within a few weeks. However, toenail fungus can be quite stubborn, and complete healing might take several months.

What Precautions Should You Take?

Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is potent and can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction for some individuals. A patch test on a small area of skin is advised before full-scale application. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider. Additionally, the oil is not to be ingested and should be kept away from children and pets.

Should You Consult a Healthcare Provider?

Though Tea Tree Australian Essential Oil is commonly used for toenail fungus, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for a definitive diagnosis and to discuss treatment options, especially if you have other health concerns or are using other medications.

The Artisan's Choice for Soap and Cosmetic Ingredients

In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

SoapGoods is an online-only retailer that has carved out a space in the market by catering to the specific needs of those passionate about handcrafted soap, skincare, and cosmetics. Offering an array of high-quality ingredients and supplies, SoapGoods aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything needed to create personal care items, from the basic to the most intricate.


The product range at SoapGoods is vast and encompasses a wide variety of categories. Here are some of the main ones:

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  • Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils: To give handmade soaps and cosmetics their distinctive scents, SoapGoods offers a diverse selection of essential oils derived from natural plants and fragrance oils which are more complex, synthetic scents.
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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1/2 Oz

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Juliana Atabong
This is a great anti-bacterial essential oil. I highly recommend for dandruff and any kind of itch.
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Juliana Atabong
Juliana Atabong
This is a great anti-bacterial essential oil. I highly recommend for dandruff and any kind of itch.
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Melita Fogle
Melita Fogle
Tea tree e.o. is just one of those "must have" ingredients for those who make their own hair or skin ...
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heather drake
heather drake
Tea Tree and Lavender are the only 2 EO's that you can use neat on the skin. Tea Tree is ...
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