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Petitgrain Essential Oil

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SoapGoods Inc
Price in points: 3520 points
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About Petitgrain Essential Oil


  • Synonyms: Bitter Orange Leaf Oil, Citrus Aurantium Leaf Oil, Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
  • Botanical Name: Petitgrain bigarde
  • Origin: Italy
  • Plant Part: Leaves and Twigs
  • Plant Description: Petitgrain bigarde is native to Southeast Asia. The tree now grows throughout the Mediterranean and sub-tropic areas worldwide. The bitter orange tree that provides the Petitgrain Essential Oil is also the source of Bitter Orange Oil and Neroli Oil. Color: Colorless to pale yellow liquid.
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Petitgrain Italy Essential Oil smells like orange blossoms with a bitter, floral, citrus and herbaceous undertone
  • Aromatic Strength: Strong
  • Note: Top
  • Blends Well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Lime, Jasmine, Neroli, Orange, Palmarosa, Rosemary, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang
  • Consistency: Thin

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Colorless to pale yellow liquid
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Aromatherapy, Perfumery, Spa and Wellness
  • Applications: Scenting lotions and creams, Hair care products, Diffusers, Perfumes, Massage oils, Air fresheners
  • Benefits: Calming and relaxing, Uplifting mood, Skin toning, Antiseptic properties, Promotes mental clarity, Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Products Uses: Aromatherapy diffusers, Scented candles, Skincare formulations, Hair conditioners, Bath oils, Massage oils, Natural deodorants
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

A Deep Dive into Petitgrain Essential Oil

The world of essential oils is vast and diverse, with each oil offering a unique profile of benefits and properties. One such entrancing member of this world is Petitgrain Essential Oil. Derived from the bitter orange tree, Petitgrain is an oil not as commonly spoken of as its more renowned counterpart, orange oil, but it is no less potent in its properties and applications, especially in the domains of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics.

What is Petitgrain Essential Oil?

Petitgrain Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium), which is also the source of neroli and bitter orange oils. However, Petitgrain's aroma is distinctive, characterized by a fresh, woody, and slightly floral scent with undertones of citrus. Historically, the oil was extracted from the green unripe oranges when they were still the size of cherries, giving the oil its name – ‘Petitgrain' or ‘little grain' in French. However, as the industry evolved, producers found that using leaves and twigs provided a higher yield and a preferable scent profile.

The Historical Essence of Petitgrain

Historically, cultures around the Mediterranean regions have utilized Petitgrain for its various properties. The Romans, for example, added it to their baths for its soothing effects. In traditional Ayurvedic practices, it was acknowledged for its balancing properties, especially in skincare.

Chemical Composition

The richness of Petitgrain Essential Oil lies in its chemical composition. Major constituents include linalyl acetate, linalool, and myrcene, among others. These components play a pivotal role in determining the oil's properties and its efficacy in various applications.

The Beauty of Petitgrain in Personal Care

Personal care products often seek ingredients that not only serve a functional purpose but also provide a sensory experience. Petitgrain fits this bill perfectly. Its fresh, woody aroma can uplift the senses, making it a preferred choice for many products.

Petitgrain in Soap Making

In the world of artisanal soaps, the scent profile plays a significant role in distinguishing one product from another. Petitgrain's unique aroma, combined with its potential skin benefits, makes it a favorite among soap makers. Not only does it infuse the soap with a refreshing scent, but it also imparts a gentle touch to the skin, making it feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

The Cosmetic Realm

In cosmetics, Petitgrain is not just about the aroma. The oil's constituents are believed to offer a range of skin benefits. Its balancing properties can be particularly helpful for those with combination skin, helping to maintain an even skin tone. Moreover, it can be found in a variety of products, from face creams to toners and serums.

The Sustainable Aspect

Another noteworthy aspect of Petitgrain Essential Oil is its sustainable extraction. Since it's derived from the leaves and twigs, the process does not harm the tree, allowing it to continue producing for years. This sustainable aspect makes Petitgrain an environmentally friendly choice in an industry increasingly conscious of its ecological footprint.


Petitgrain Essential Oil, with its captivating aroma and multitude of benefits, has carved a niche for itself in the realms of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics. While it may not boast the same popularity as some other essential oils, those in the know appreciate its unique offerings, making it an unsung hero in the aromatic world.

Discovering the Multifaceted Uses of Petitgrain Essential Oil

Petitgrain Essential Oil, with its characteristic woody and simultaneously floral aroma, boasts a versatile array of applications. Extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, its unique scent profile has cemented its place in perfumery, personal care, and holistic wellness practices for centuries. Here, we'll delve into the myriad ways Petitgrain has been embraced and integrated into modern routines.

Perfumery and Fragrance Creation

With its distinctive aroma, Petitgrain has long been a favorite in the world of perfumery. Its complex scent, which combines fresh, woody, and slightly floral notes, makes it a desirable middle note in many fragrances. Its versatility allows it to blend harmoniously with both citrus scents, such as bergamot, and more earthy aromas like sandalwood or patchouli, offering depth and freshness to the overall fragrance profile.

Skincare and Cosmetics

Given its therapeutic properties, Petitgrain has become a valued component in skincare formulations. Its gentle astringent properties make it suitable for toners, helping to refine pores and balance sebum production, especially in oily and combination skin types. When incorporated into creams or serums, it not only imparts a pleasing aroma but also delivers soothing effects, reducing the appearance of redness and skin irritations.

Hair Care

In the realm of hair care, Petitgrain's revitalizing qualities come to the fore. When added to shampoos or conditioners, the essential oil can help enhance hair's natural shine and strength. Additionally, its balancing properties may assist in regulating scalp oil production, making it particularly useful for those with oily scalps. The pleasant aroma of Petitgrain also acts as a natural hair fragrance, leaving tresses smelling fresh and invigorated.

Aromatherapy and Relaxation

One of the most celebrated uses of Petitgrain Essential Oil lies in aromatherapy. Its calming and uplifting scent is believed to promote feelings of relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Whether diffused in the air, added to a warm bath, or applied topically as part of a massage oil blend, Petitgrain's ability to instill a sense of peace and tranquility is widely acknowledged.

Home Care and Cleaning

As more individuals gravitate towards natural and environmentally-friendly cleaning solutions, essential oils like Petitgrain have gained popularity. Its antimicrobial properties, combined with its pleasant scent, make it an excellent addition to homemade cleaning sprays, floor cleaners, or even laundry detergents. Not only does it help in cleaning surfaces, but it also leaves a refreshing aroma in its wake.

Spa and Wellness Centers

Many spa and wellness centers have incorporated Petitgrain Essential Oil into their treatments due to its multifaceted benefits. Be it in facial treatments, massages, or aromatic steam rooms, Petitgrain's therapeutic properties complement the holistic wellness experience. It serves to rejuvenate the skin, relax the mind, and uplift the spirit, providing a comprehensive spa experience.

Personal Scent Creation

For those who prefer bespoke fragrances, Petitgrain offers an exciting note to play with. Whether you're crafting a personal scent or making scented candles, lotions, or other DIY projects, the oil can add a fresh, sophisticated twist to the final product. Its ability to blend seamlessly with a wide range of other essential oils allows for endless aromatic experimentation.

The uses of Petitgrain Essential Oil are as varied as they are numerous. From personal care and beauty to holistic wellness and homecare, its versatility and range of benefits make it an invaluable addition to any essential oil collection. Whether you're an aromatherapist, a perfumer, or someone looking to enhance their daily routine, Petitgrain offers a touch of nature's magic in every drop.

Main Benefits of Petitgrain Essential Oil

Petitgrain Essential Oil is a versatile and aromatic oil extracted mainly from the leaves and sometimes the twigs and branches of the bitter orange tree. The oil is a staple in aromatherapy and various personal care and cosmetic products due to its numerous benefits.

Calming and Relaxing Properties

One of the most pronounced benefits of Petitgrain Essential Oil is its calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system. When used in aromatherapy or as a part of massage oils, it can help in reducing stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression.

Uplifting Mood

Its pleasant, woody and slightly floral scent is uplifting and can significantly improve your mood. In diffusers, the aromatic molecules of Petitgrain oil can induce a sense of well-being, making it a good choice for use in environments where stress or tension is high.

Skin Toning

Petitgrain Essential Oil is also known for its astringent properties, which make it an excellent toner for your skin. It helps to balance the skin's sebum production, making it beneficial for both oily and dry skin types. It can be added to lotions, creams, and even toners to boost their efficacy.

Antiseptic Qualities

The oil possesses natural antiseptic properties that make it useful for minor cuts, wounds, and skin infections. It can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the affected area or used as an ingredient in creams and lotions designed for healing skin.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Petitgrain oil is often used to improve mental clarity and focus. Its calming effects on the nervous system can be beneficial in situations that require concentration, such as studying or problem-solving tasks.

Other Personal Care Applications

Beyond these major benefits, Petitgrain Essential Oil is also used in a variety of other personal care products like hair conditioners for its nourishing effects, natural deodorants for its pleasant scent and antibacterial properties, and in bath oils for a relaxing soak.

Principal Constituents of Petitgrain Essential Oil

The chemical composition of Petitgrain Essential Oil varies depending on the geographic location and the method of extraction. However, some key constituents commonly found in this oil are:

Linalyl Acetate

This constituent is mainly responsible for the calming and relaxing effects of Petitgrain Essential Oil. It is a common ingredient in oils that are used for their soothing properties.


Linalool is another significant component that contributes to the oil's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It's often used in skincare products for these reasons.

Geranyl Acetate

This is another ester found in Petitgrain oil that contributes to its pleasant aroma and is often used in perfumery.


Myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties and adds to the overall therapeutic benefits of the oil.

In addition to these, Petitgrain Essential Oil may also contain minor amounts of other terpenes and esters that contribute to its unique chemical profile and therapeutic properties.

Principal Constituents of Petitgrain Essential Oil

The chemical composition of Petitgrain Essential Oil varies depending on the geographic location and the method of extraction. However, some key constituents commonly found in this oil are:

Linalyl Acetate

This constituent is mainly responsible for the calming and relaxing effects of Petitgrain Essential Oil. It is a common ingredient in oils that are used for their soothing properties.


Linalool is another significant component that contributes to the oil's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It's often used in skincare products for these reasons.

Geranyl Acetate

This is another ester found in Petitgrain oil that contributes to its pleasant aroma and is often used in perfumery.


Myrcene has anti-inflammatory properties and adds to the overall therapeutic benefits of the oil.

In addition to these, Petitgrain Essential Oil may also contain minor amounts of other terpenes and esters that contribute to its unique chemical profile and therapeutic properties.

The Enchanting History of Petitgrain Essential Oil

The tale of Petitgrain Essential Oil, like many ancient botanical treasures, is steeped in history, culture, and a dash of serendipity. It is an essence that has captivated civilizations with its aromatic allure and healing properties, finding its way from traditional practices to modern-day perfumeries and therapeutic modalities.

Origins and Early Uses

Derived from the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium), Petitgrain's story is intimately tied to its tree of origin. The tree itself has a rich history in ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean regions. While most are familiar with the intoxicating scent of neroli – extracted from the tree's blossoms – or the bitter orange oil from its fruit's rind, Petitgrain, derived from its leaves and twigs, has its own unique chapter.

Etymology and Extraction Evolution

The name ‘Petitgrain' translates to ‘little grains' in French, which intriguingly reflects its historical extraction process. Initially, the oil was distilled from the unripe fruit of the tree when they were still small, green, and grain-like. However, as practices evolved, producers discovered that extracting the oil from leaves and twigs was not only more sustainable but also yielded a more refined aromatic profile, which is the Petitgrain we recognize today.

Cultural Significance

Historically, various cultures, notably the Romans, esteemed Petitgrain for its therapeutic properties, incorporating it into their daily rituals, such as bathing, for its calming and soothing effects. As trade routes expanded, so did the reputation of Petitgrain, and it found favor in various traditional medicine systems, including Ayurveda, for its balancing and rejuvenating properties.

Modern Day Resurgence

With the rise of aromatherapy and natural holistic practices in recent times, Petitgrain has seen a resurgence. Its distinct blend of fresh, woody, and slightly floral notes makes it a sought-after ingredient in modern perfumes, cosmetics, and therapeutic blends, bridging its storied past with contemporary applications.

In essence, the journey of Petitgrain Essential Oil is a testament to nature's enduring gifts and humanity's quest to harness them for well-being and sensory delight.

Additional Safety Concerns of Petitgrain Essential Oil

General Safety Precautions

Like all essential oils, Petitgrain Essential Oil is highly concentrated and should be used with care. It's imperative to dilute it with a carrier oil before topical application to prevent skin irritations. A patch test is always recommended to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivities.

Phototoxicity Concerns

While Petitgrain is derived from the bitter orange tree, it does not possess the same phototoxic properties as bitter orange oil. However, users should always exercise caution when using any citrus-derived essential oil, especially before sun exposure.

Pregnancy and Medical Conditions

Those who are pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision should consult a health professional before using Petitgrain or any essential oil. It's crucial to ensure that the oil does not interfere with medications or the conditions being treated.

Internal Consumption

While this article does not focus on the culinary or pharmaceutical aspects of Petitgrain Essential Oil, it's worth noting that internal consumption of any essential oil should be approached with caution and preferably under the guidance of a certified professional.

In conclusion, while Petitgrain Essential Oil offers a range of benefits and has a storied history of safe use, it's essential to approach its use with the same respect and caution as one would with any potent botanical extract.

Effects of Petitgrain Essential Oil on Pets

While essential oils are often used for their therapeutic benefits in humans, it's important to exercise caution when considering their use for pets, and Petitgrain Essential Oil is no exception.

Is Petitgrain Essential Oil Safe for Pets?

The safety of Petitgrain Essential Oil for pets has not been extensively studied. While some pet owners claim that the oil has calming effects on their animals, it is essential to consult a veterinarian before using it on or around your pets.

Possible Toxicity

Cats and dogs have different metabolisms compared to humans, and substances like essential oils can be toxic to them. Some pets may experience adverse reactions such as skin irritations or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Respiratory Concerns

Strong scents, including that of Petitgrain Essential Oil, can be overwhelming for pets and may lead to respiratory issues. Always ensure proper ventilation and consider your pet's sensitivity to smells when using essential oils in your home.

Precautions and Consultation

If you decide to use Petitgrain Essential Oil around your pets, dilution is crucial. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian for guidance on the correct dosage and application methods suitable for your pet's specific needs.

In summary, while Petitgrain Essential Oil has various benefits for humans, its effects on pets are less clear. Always exercise extreme caution and consult a veterinarian for personalized advice.

Aromatherapy Aspects of Petitgrain Essential Oil

Petitgrain Essential Oil holds a unique place in the world of aromatherapy due to its calming and balancing properties. It is particularly beneficial for emotional well-being and is often used to support mental health.

How Does It Affect Mood and Emotions?

The oil is known for its ability to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, fostering a sense of peace and relaxation. It is especially useful in treating emotional fatigue and nervous breakdowns.

What Makes Petitgrain Unique in Aromatherapy?

Unlike other citrus oils that are generally uplifting and energizing, Petitgrain has a grounding effect. This makes it versatile, as it can be blended with different oils to achieve various emotional and psychological outcomes.

Common Blends and Applications

In aromatherapy, Petitgrain Essential Oil blends well with lavender, rosemary, and other citrus oils. It is commonly used in diffusers, massage oils, and even in aromatherapy inhalers.

Psychological Benefits

The calming effect of Petitgrain oil on the mind is often utilized to improve focus and mental clarity, especially during stressful times.

In summary, the unique blend of constituents in Petitgrain Essential Oil makes it a valuable asset in aromatherapy for emotional and psychological well-being.

History of Petitgrain Essential Oil

The origins of Petitgrain Essential Oil can be traced back to Southeast Asia. It is derived from the bitter orange tree, which is a versatile plant that also gives us neroli and bitter orange essential oils. Petitgrain oil is unique in that it is extracted from the leaves and sometimes the twigs of the tree, unlike most citrus oils that are derived from the fruit's rind.

Historical Uses

The use of Petitgrain Essential Oil dates back centuries. In traditional medicine, it was utilized for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It was also employed to treat skin conditions and was often included in perfumes and colognes for its pleasant, citrusy scent.

Traditional Cultivation

The bitter orange tree has been cultivated extensively in various parts of the world, notably in Paraguay, France, and Italy. The method of extraction has evolved over time, from simple steam distillation techniques to more advanced methods that help preserve the delicate nature of the oil.

Cultural Significance

Due to its calming and balancing properties, Petitgrain Essential Oil has held cultural significance in various societies. It was often used in spiritual practices to promote tranquility and improve focus during meditation.

Today, Petitgrain Essential Oil continues to be a popular choice in modern aromatherapy practices, personal care products, and the perfume industry. Its enduring appeal is a testament to its versatile uses and numerous benefits.

Additional Safety Concerns of Petitgrain Essential Oil

While Petitgrain Essential Oil is generally considered safe for topical use and aromatherapy, it is important to be aware of some safety considerations.

Concentration and Dilution

Like all essential oils, Petitgrain should be diluted before topical application. Using the oil in a concentrated form can lead to skin irritations or allergic reactions.


Although less common than with other citrus oils, there is a slight risk of photosensitivity when using Petitgrain Essential Oil. It is advisable to avoid direct sun exposure for several hours after topical application.

Pregnancy and Nursing

If you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition, consult a healthcare provider before using Petitgrain Essential Oil. Although it is generally considered safe, it's better to err on the side of caution.

Internal Consumption

The internal use of Petitgrain Essential Oil is not recommended without professional guidance. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

In summary, while Petitgrain Essential Oil offers numerous benefits, it is essential to use it responsibly and be aware of its potential safety considerations.


Does Petitgrain Smell Like Neroli?

Both Petitgrain and Neroli essential oils are derived from the same tree, the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium), but they are extracted from different parts and possess distinct aromatic profiles. Given their shared origin, it's natural to wonder if they have similar scents. Let's delve deeper into this aromatic exploration.

What is the Origin of Petitgrain's Scent?

Petitgrain essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree. Its aroma is characterized as fresh and woody, often with a hint of floral undertones. Some might also detect a subtle citrusy note, given the tree's citrus lineage. It's a complex scent that offers both invigorating freshness and soothing depth.

How Does Neroli's Fragrance Profile Compare?

Neroli essential oil, on the other hand, is extracted from the fragrant white blossoms of the same tree. It is prized for its sweet, highly floral, and slightly citrusy aroma. Being derived from the blossoms, Neroli carries a more intense floral note compared to Petitgrain. It's often considered more delicate and nuanced, making it a favorite in high-end perfumery and luxury skincare products.

Are There Overlapping Qualities?

While both oils share a citrus lineage and possess some similar aromatic qualities, their differences are more pronounced when experienced firsthand. Yes, there might be fleeting moments when one could detect similarities, especially in their fresh, green facets. However, upon closer olfactory examination, the distinct woody character of Petitgrain and the more pronounced floral heart of Neroli become evident.

Why the Confusion?

The overlapping qualities can lead to some confusion, especially for those who are new to aromatherapy or essential oil use. The shared origin of the two oils and the occasional similarities in their scent profiles can make them seem interchangeable at a glance. However, seasoned aroma enthusiasts and professionals can usually distinguish between the two quite easily.

In conclusion, while Petitgrain and Neroli might share some aromatic similarities due to their shared source, they are distinct in their overall scent profiles. Petitgrain offers a fresh, woody aroma with hints of floral and citrus, whereas Neroli delights with its sweet, deeply floral, and slightly citrusy notes. Both are uniquely charming in their own right and offer a variety of applications in aromatherapy, perfumery, and skincare.

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In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

SoapGoods is an online-only retailer that has carved out a space in the market by catering to the specific needs of those passionate about handcrafted soap, skincare, and cosmetics. Offering an array of high-quality ingredients and supplies, SoapGoods aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything needed to create personal care items, from the basic to the most intricate.


The product range at SoapGoods is vast and encompasses a wide variety of categories. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Oils and Butters: Fundamental to soap-making, oils and butters like olive oil pomace, coconut oil 76, shea butter refined, and cocoa butter natural provide the base for many formulations. Each oil or butter possesses unique properties, be it moisturizing capabilities, lathering quality, or hardness.
  • Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils: To give handmade soaps and cosmetics their distinctive scents, SoapGoods offers a diverse selection of essential oils derived from natural plants and fragrance oils which are more complex, synthetic scents.
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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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emily james
I am addicted to this smell! great alone as a perfume or blended with neroli in bathbombs. love it!!
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Mariah Smith
Mariah Smith
A bit of a strong aroma for me. I did enjoy the scent once it was well diluted.
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emily james
emily james
I am addicted to this smell! great alone as a perfume or blended with neroli in bathbombs. love it!!
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Gretchen Morganstern
Gretchen Morganstern
One of the best oils for making traditional eau de colognes - also smells perfect blended with a few drops ...
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heather drake
heather drake
This is great for acne. I use it in my oily skin/acne facial bars.
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