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Sandalwood Australian Essential Oil

SoapGoods Inc
Price in points: 24588 points
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About Sandalwood Essential Oil


  • Synonyms: Santalum Album Oil, Indian Sandalwood Oil, Australian Sandalwood Oil, Chandan Oil
  • Botanical Name: Santalum Spicatum
  • Origin: Australia
  • Plant Part: Wood
  • Plant Description: Extracted from plantation trees, Western Australian Sandalwood is a viable, environmentally friendly tree considered to have higher anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties This tree is parasitic, burrowing its roots into nearby trees to gain sustenance for the first seven years, leaving the other to die. To produce oil this tree must be over 30 years old, preferably around 40-50 years when it has reached its oil production peak
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Sandalwood Australian Essential Oil has a sweet, rich, woody, exotic and lingering. It is oriental, luxurious, and balsamic with deep & soft aroma
  • Aromatic Strength: Medium
  • Note: Base
  • Blends Well with: Jasmine, Ylang-ylang, Rosewood, Patchouli, Vetiver and Rose
  • Consistency: Medium

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow clear liquid
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Personal Care, Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Perfumery, Soap Making, Beauty Products, Skincare, Haircare
  • Applications: Skincare products, Haircare products, Fragrances, Soaps, Candles, Lotions, Creams, Diffusers, Massage Oils, Aftershaves
  • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antioxidant properties, Soothing effect on skin, Stress relief, Promotes relaxation, Aids in mental clarity, Moisturizing, Skin rejuvenation
  • Products Uses: Facial Creams, Body Lotions, Shampoos, Conditioners, Perfumes, Shower Gels, Bath Oils, Scented Candles, Aromatherapy Diffusers, Massage Oils, Balms, Aftershaves
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

About Sandalwood Essential Oil

Extracted from the heartwood of the sandalwood tree, Sandalwood Essential Oil is prized for its alluring, warm, and woody aroma that has captivated humanity for millennia. Revered in religious ceremonies, cultural traditions, and beauty regimens, this luxurious essential oil has secured its status as one of the most sought-after and valued oils in the world.

Origins and Extraction

The sandalwood tree, primarily from the genus Santalum, is the source of this cherished essential oil. Native to the Indian subcontinent, the Pacific, and other parts of Asia, sandalwood trees can grow for up to 40 to 80 years before they're harvested for oil extraction. The older the tree, the richer the oil's aroma. Extraction is usually done through steam distillation, where the heartwood and roots are processed to yield this golden or amber-colored aromatic oil.

A Scent Like No Other

Describing the aroma of Sandalwood Essential Oil is like capturing the essence of a tranquil forest at dawn. It has a deep, woody base, with subtle notes of floral, balsamic, and sweet tones. Its scent profile is both grounding and uplifting, making it a favored ingredient in countless perfumes and fragrances.

In Personal Care and Cosmetics

In the realm of personal care, Sandalwood Essential Oil is celebrated for its moisturizing properties, making it a cherished component in lotions, creams, and serums. Its potential ability to soothe dry and chapped skin, coupled with its luxurious scent, has made it a popular choice in skincare formulations.

For Soap Making

For soap artisans and enthusiasts, Sandalwood Essential Oil is a gem. Its fragrance not only imparts a rich, creamy lather but also remains stable, ensuring the soap retains its delightful scent throughout its use. The oil can also contribute to a smoother, softer skin feel post-wash, making it a favorite among those who craft handmade soaps.

A Natural Astringent

Beyond its moisturizing properties, Sandalwood Essential Oil is also believed to possess astringent qualities. When incorporated into facial toners or aftershaves, it might help tighten and firm the skin, providing a more youthful appearance.

Eco-conscious Sourcing

Due to its immense popularity, over-harvesting and illegal logging became concerning issues. However, today, there's a more considerable push for sustainable and ethical sourcing. Plantations now cultivate sandalwood trees under regulated conditions, ensuring a steady supply without harming the environment.

The aura, allure, and benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil have transcended time. Its multifaceted applications, from religious ceremonies to modern-day skincare, bear testimony to its timeless value and enduring charm in human civilization.

Uses of Sandalwood Essential Oil

With its rich history spanning thousands of years, Sandalwood Essential Oil boasts a multitude of uses, especially in the realms of personal care, beauty, and aromatic applications. Its versatile nature has been leveraged in various formulations, earning it a revered spot in many households and artisanal creations.

Skincare Formulations

Given its potential moisturizing and astringent properties, Sandalwood Essential Oil often finds its way into a variety of skincare products. From creams, lotions, and balms to more specialized serums, this oil can potentially offer hydration while toning the skin. Its soothing nature might also provide relief to inflamed or irritated skin.


As a base note with impressive longevity, Sandalwood Essential Oil is a cornerstone in the world of perfumery. Its deep, woody aroma with sweet undertones blends seamlessly with a plethora of other fragrances, making it a favorite among perfumers. The resultant scent is often described as warm, exotic, and sensual.

Soap Crafting

The art of soap making benefits immensely from Sandalwood Essential Oil. Not only does it impart a lasting fragrance to the soap, but it also contributes to a creamier lather and a more luxurious feel on the skin. Its potential skin-soothing properties might also make the soap more beneficial for those with sensitive or dry skin.

Haircare Products

In haircare formulations, Sandalwood Essential Oil is believed to promote smoother, shinier locks. It's often incorporated into shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks to potentially address dryness, dandruff, and add a fragrant touch to the hair.

Aromatherapy and Relaxation

While not strictly personal care, the use of Sandalwood Essential Oil in aromatherapy cannot be ignored. Its grounding and calming scent can promote a sense of relaxation and mental clarity. Whether diffused, added to bathwater, or used in massage oils, its aroma can create a serene ambiance conducive to relaxation and meditation.

Homemade Candles and Potpourri

For those who enjoy crafting homemade candles or potpourri, the addition of Sandalwood Essential Oil can elevate the experience. The candles not only exude a warm glow but also fill the space with Sandalwood's mesmerizing fragrance, making any setting feel more intimate and inviting.

From ancient rituals to modern-day cosmetic formulations, the uses of Sandalwood Essential Oil are as diverse as they are plentiful. Its

Main Benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential Oil is one of the most cherished and revered essential oils globally, not only for its captivating aroma but also for its plethora of benefits. The benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil span a wide range, from skincare to aromatherapy, making it a versatile and invaluable addition to many applications.

Skincare Benefits

Sandalwood oil is renowned for its moisturizing properties. It can potentially help in hydrating dry, chapped, or flaky skin, promoting a smoother and more nourished appearance. Additionally, its mild astringent action might assist in tightening and toning the skin, making it appear firmer and more youthful.

Calming and Soothing Properties

One of the standout properties of Sandalwood Essential Oil is its potential to soothe and calm the mind and body. When used in aromatherapy, it can promote a sense of relaxation, ease anxiety, and improve mental clarity. This calming effect extends to the skin as well, possibly helping soothe irritation and inflammation.

Anti-aging Effects

The oil may also offer anti-aging benefits. Its potential antioxidant properties can fight free radicals, which are one of the primary culprits behind premature aging. By doing so, Sandalwood Essential Oil might help in reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, leading to a more radiant complexion.

Enhances Hair Quality

While more commonly associated with skincare, Sandalwood Essential Oil also boasts potential benefits for hair. It might help in soothing dry and itchy scalps, combating dandruff, and enhancing the overall luster and strength of hair strands.

Respiratory Support

Traditionally, Sandalwood Essential Oil has been used for its potential benefits in supporting the respiratory system. Its soothing properties might assist in easing coughs, reducing throat soreness, and providing relief from other respiratory ailments when used in steam inhalation.

Natural Disinfectant

The oil's potential antimicrobial properties make it a natural disinfectant. Whether used in personal care products or home cleaning solutions, Sandalwood Essential Oil might help in eliminating harmful microbes and ensuring a cleaner, more hygienic environment.

These benefits underline Sandalwood Essential Oil's stature as a multifaceted and holistic solution for a variety of needs. Its harmonious blend of aromatic allure and beneficial properties ensures its enduring popularity across diverse applications.

Principal Constituents of Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential Oil's unique aroma and properties can be attributed to its chemical composition. The oil consists of a complex blend of constituents, each contributing to its overall therapeutic and aromatic profile.

α-Santalol and β-Santalol

These are the primary sesquiterpene alcohols found in Sandalwood Essential Oil, and they are responsible for many of the oil's therapeutic properties. α-Santalol and β-Santalol together make up a significant portion of the oil, and their presence plays a pivotal role in giving Sandalwood its distinctive aroma and potential health benefits.


This constituent offers a slightly peppery note to the oil's aroma. Though present in smaller amounts, it adds depth and complexity to the fragrance profile of Sandalwood Essential Oil.


Another sesquiterpene found in Sandalwood Essential Oil, lanceol, complements the effects of α-Santalol and β-Santalol, contributing to the oil's potential therapeutic properties.


These constituents, including α-santalene and β-santalene, might play a role in the oil's potential anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Understanding the principal constituents of Sandalwood Essential Oil offers insights into the science behind its benefits. While the aromatic experience it provides is ethereal and somewhat intangible, the chemistry behind it is concrete and rooted in the unique blend of these compounds.

How Does Sandalwood Essential Oil Affect Pets?

When it comes to pets, especially dogs and cats, extra caution should be exercised with essential oils, including Sandalwood Essential Oil. While some essential oils are known to have benefits for humans, the same cannot always be said for our four-legged friends.

Potential Toxicity

Essential oils can be toxic to pets when ingested, inhaled, or applied to the skin. For instance, cats lack a certain enzyme that helps to process and eliminate certain compounds found in essential oils, making them more susceptible to toxicity.

Respiratory Issues

Some animals, like cats and birds, have sensitive respiratory systems. The aroma from essential oils can sometimes trigger breathing difficulties or exacerbate pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Behavioral Changes

The intense aroma of Sandalwood Essential Oil could potentially cause stress or behavioral changes in pets. Animals have a much stronger sense of smell compared to humans and might find the scent overwhelming.

Consult a Veterinarian

Before using any essential oils in a home with pets, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified veterinarian. Your vet can provide advice tailored to your specific animal’s breed, age, and health condition.

What Is the Role of Sandalwood Essential Oil in Aromatherapy?

Sandalwood Essential Oil is a staple in the world of aromatherapy due to its soothing and grounding properties. Its warm, woody, and slightly sweet scent is beloved for various therapeutic benefits.

Emotional Well-being

The aroma of sandalwood oil is often associated with calming the mind and enhancing emotional balance. It's frequently used in stress relief and relaxation protocols.

Concentration and Focus

The scent is said to help improve focus and clarity, making it a popular choice for meditation practices and mindfulness exercises.

Relaxation and Sleep

Due to its calming properties, Sandalwood Essential Oil is often incorporated into bedtime rituals to promote a sense of peace and aid in sleep quality.

Blending with Other Oils

Sandalwood oil blends well with other essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, creating synergy in aromatherapy applications. This allows for a more tailored sensory experience based on individual needs and preferences.

What Is the Historical Background of Sandalwood Essential Oil?

Sandalwood Essential Oil has a rich and storied history that spans thousands of years and crosses multiple civilizations. Originating in India, sandalwood and its oil have been deeply interwoven into cultural, spiritual, and traditional medicine practices. The oil is derived from the heartwood of the sandalwood tree, a slow-growing tree that belongs to the Santalaceae family.

Religious and Spiritual Significance

In Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern traditions, sandalwood has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals. It is commonly found as incense, and its calming aroma is said to aid in meditation and spiritual focus.

Traditional Medicine

Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have also extensively used sandalwood oil for its perceived health benefits, including its calming properties and potential as an antiseptic.

Trade and Commodification

Due to its myriad of uses and the labor-intensive extraction process, sandalwood has always been a highly valued commodity. Its trade dates back to ancient times, and it has been exported to various parts of the world, including the Middle East and Europe, where it gained popularity for its fragrance and medicinal properties.

Modern Uses

Today, sandalwood oil is highly prized in various industries such as personal care, cosmetics, and perfumery. Due to over-harvesting and the slow growth of the sandalwood tree, sustainability and ethical sourcing have become significant concerns in the current market.

What Are the Additional Safety Concerns Associated with Sandalwood Essential Oil?

While sandalwood essential oil is generally considered safe for topical use and aromatherapy, there are some important safety considerations to keep in mind.

Skin Irritation

Though sandalwood oil is generally well-tolerated, it can cause skin irritation for some people, particularly those with sensitive skin or allergies. A patch test is always recommended before using the oil extensively on the skin.

Pregnancy and Nursing

There is limited research on the safety of sandalwood essential oil during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider before using it in these circumstances.

Internal Consumption

Consuming sandalwood essential oil is not recommended without professional guidance. While it has been used in traditional medicine, it should not be ingested without the supervision of a healthcare provider due to its potency and possible toxic effects.

Drug Interactions

As with many essential oils, sandalwood oil could interact with certain medications or conditions. Those taking prescription medications or with existing health issues should consult a medical professional before using sandalwood essential oil.


What Are the Spiritual Uses of Sandalwood Essential Oil?

Sandalwood Essential Oil holds a special place in various spiritual and religious practices around the world. Its unique aromatic profile and versatile applications have made it a revered substance for spiritual use.

Why Is Sandalwood Used in Religious Rituals?

In many Eastern traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, sandalwood is often used in the form of incense during religious ceremonies. Its calming scent is believed to help purify the atmosphere, making it conducive for spiritual activities such as prayers and meditation.

How Does Sandalwood Aid in Meditation?

The soothing properties of sandalwood essential oil are highly valued for enhancing meditation experiences. The aroma is said to help calm the mind, promote inner peace, and assist in achieving deeper levels of concentration and mindfulness.

What Are the Chakra Balancing Qualities of Sandalwood?

In the realm of chakra balancing, sandalwood is often associated with the root and third-eye chakras. It is believed to aid in grounding energy and enhancing intuitive abilities, thus creating a balanced spiritual experience.

Can Sandalwood Be Used for Spiritual Cleansing?

Yes, sandalwood is frequently used for spiritual cleansing. Whether applied topically in diluted form or diffused in a sacred space, it is believed to cleanse negative energy, creating an environment of positivity and tranquility.

The Artisan's Choice for Soap and Cosmetic Ingredients

In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

SoapGoods is an online-only retailer that has carved out a space in the market by catering to the specific needs of those passionate about handcrafted soap, skincare, and cosmetics. Offering an array of high-quality ingredients and supplies, SoapGoods aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything needed to create personal care items, from the basic to the most intricate.


The product range at SoapGoods is vast and encompasses a wide variety of categories. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Oils and Butters: Fundamental to soap-making, oils and butters like olive oil pomace, coconut oil 76, shea butter refined, and cocoa butter natural provide the base for many formulations. Each oil or butter possesses unique properties, be it moisturizing capabilities, lathering quality, or hardness.
  • Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils: To give handmade soaps and cosmetics their distinctive scents, SoapGoods offers a diverse selection of essential oils derived from natural plants and fragrance oils which are more complex, synthetic scents.
  • Additives: From natural clays and botanicals to exfoliating agents like pumice and walnut shell, these additives help enhance the texture, appearance, and benefits of the final product.
  • Colorants: SoapGoods provides a range of pigments, dyes, and micas, allowing crafters to achieve the perfect hue for their creations.
  • Molds and Equipment: Beyond ingredients, SoapGoods stocks a variety of tools and equipment. Silicone molds, thermometers, pH testers, and more ensure that hobbyists and professionals can craft their products with precision.
  • Packaging Supplies: For those looking to sell or gift their creations, the store offers an assortment of packaging materials, including bottles, jars and shrink wraps.

Quality and Sourcing

One of the standout features of SoapGoods is its commitment to quality. Many products are sourced to ensure they are non-GMO, and from reputable sources. After 20 years in the industry, we have been able to find the highest quality sources at fair prices. This dedication to quality resonates with a clientele that values natural and ethical ingredients.

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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

2 Oz

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