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Fir Needle Essential Oil

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About Fir Needle Essential Oil


  • Synonyms: Siberian Fir Needle Oil, Abies Sibirica Oil, Fir Essential Oil, Pine Needle Oil, Silver Fir Oil, Russian Fir Needle Oil.
  • Botanical Name: Abies siberica
  • Origin: Steam distillation
  • Plant Part: Needles
  • Plant Description: Fir needle essential oil comes from the Pinus type tree which grows in wide areas of the former U.S.S.R.
  • Extraction Method: Steam distillation

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Fir Needle essential oil has a fresh, woody, earthy, sweet scent that is much like the outdoors. Many compare it to the smell of the Great canadian Outdoors
  • Aromatic Strength: Strong
  • Note: Middle
  • Blends Well with: Pine, Cedarwood, Benzoin, Lavender, Spruce and Rosemary.
  • Consistency: Thin

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Pale yellow
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries: Aromatherapy, Personal Care, Cosmetics, Soap Making, Perfumery, Spa and Wellness, Home Care, Essential Oil Retailers, Natural Remedies, Skincare, Massage Therapy, Bath Products, Hair Care, Air Fresheners
  • Applications: Inhalation therapy, topical application, aromatherapy massage, bath infusion, steam inhalation, blending in skincare products, direct diffusion, blending in hair care formulations, scenting homemade candles, fragrance for soaps, muscle and joint pain relief preparations, foot soak additive, respiratory relief blends, natural household cleaners.
  • Benefits: Invigorating aroma, promotes relaxation, emotional balancing, enhances focus, commonly used in aromatherapy, versatile in personal care products, blends well with other essential oils, potential skin benefits when diluted, used in soap making and cosmetics, grounding properties
  • Products Uses: Aromatherapy diffuser, massage oil blend, skincare formulations, hair care products, natural room sprays, homemade candles, natural deodorants, bath soaks, inhalers for respiratory support, natural cleaning products, laundry fresheners, natural insect repellents, perfumery, soap making, salves and balms, muscle rubs, foot soaks.
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

What is Fir Needle Essential Oil?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is a unique aromatic oil distilled primarily from the needles of fir trees, commonly Abies sibirica or Abies balsamea. The essential oil is a clear to pale yellow liquid that emits a fresh, woody, and often slightly sweet aroma. It is a beloved component in a variety of personal care and cosmetic products, largely due to its aromatic qualities and the feeling of connection to nature it invokes.

What Makes Fir Needle Essential Oil Unique?

The essential oil boasts a complex profile, rich in monoterpenes like alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Its unique composition gives it its characteristic scent and potential benefits for personal care. Unlike many floral or fruity essential oils, fir needle has an earthy, forest-like aroma that many find grounding and calming.

How is it Extracted?

The most common method for extracting Fir Needle Essential Oil is steam distillation of the needles. This process involves passing steam through a mass of fir needles to release the essential oils, which are then collected through a cooling and condensation system.

Applications in Personal Care

What are its Uses in Skincare?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is often incorporated into skincare products for its perceived astringent properties. It's a popular additive in facial toners, cleansers, and creams aimed at tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of pores. Additionally, the oil's fresh scent is believed to have mood-lifting qualities, making it a favorite for morning skincare routines.

How Does it Benefit Hair Care?

The oil is also an occasional ingredient in shampoos and conditioners. While it may not be as commonly used as lavender or peppermint, its inclusion in hair care products generally aims at providing a refreshing scent and a tingly sensation on the scalp. It's an excellent option for people who enjoy earthy, natural fragrances.

Is it Used in Bath and Body Products?

Absolutely. Fir Needle Essential Oil is a fantastic addition to bath bombs, salts, and bubble baths. Its aroma transforms an ordinary bath into a forest-like retreat, providing a sense of relaxation and peace. The oil is also commonly added to body lotions and massage oils for a similar aromatic experience.

Applications in Soap Making

Why is Fir Needle Essential Oil a Popular Choice in Soap Making?

In the realm of artisanal soap-making, Fir Needle Essential Oil is celebrated for its versatility and pleasing scent profile. It pairs well with other essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and cedarwood, allowing soap makers to create complex scents. The oil's astringent properties are also believed to contribute to a "clean" feeling, which many consumers appreciate.

How Does it Affect the Soap’s Characteristics?

Using Fir Needle Essential Oil in soap doesn't just affect the aroma; it can also influence the soap's texture and foaming qualities. The oil's natural composition allows for a rich, creamy lather, enhancing the overall experience of using the soap.

Applications in Cosmetic Making

Is it Used in Fragrances?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is often used as a middle note in perfumes and colognes. Its woody and earthy aroma provides depth and complexity to fragrance blends. It's especially popular in 'natural' or 'outdoor' themed perfumes.

Does it Have a Place in Makeup Products?

While not as common in makeup as in other personal care products, Fir Needle Essential Oil can sometimes be found in products like setting sprays. The oil's refreshing scent can invigorate the senses, offering a momentary escape into nature even in the midst of a busy day.

Blending and Complementary Oils

What Oils Blend Well with Fir Needle Essential Oil?

Fir Needle Essential Oil blends remarkably well with other oils, especially those with complementary scent profiles. Popular blending partners include bergamot, lemon, and other citrus oils for a fresh, uplifting mix. It also blends well with woody oils like sandalwood and floral oils like lavender for a more balanced, layered aroma.

In summary, Fir Needle Essential Oil is a versatile and much-loved ingredient across a range of personal care, soap making, and cosmetic applications. Its unique aroma and potential benefits for the skin and hair make it a valuable addition to many formulations. As with all essential oils, proper care and attention should be given to its safe and appropriate use.

Uses of Fir Needle Essential Oil

Fir Needle Essential Oil, extracted primarily from the needles of fir trees, especially Abies sibirica, embodies the essence of the forest. With its crisp, refreshing, and woodsy aroma, it has been incorporated into various traditions, rituals, and practices over the years. In modern times, it's a favorite in aromatherapy and personal care applications, leveraging both its therapeutic properties and invigorating scent.


  • Stress Relief: When diffused, Fir Needle Essential Oil can produce a calming effect on the mind, reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. The scent, reminiscent of forests and nature, helps promote a sense of grounding and balance.
  • Respiratory Support: Its expectorant properties can aid in clearing nasal passages and providing relief from congestion, making it especially useful during cold seasons or for those with respiratory issues.
  • Energy Boost: The invigorating aroma can also serve as a natural stimulant, helping to revitalize and energize individuals feeling lethargic or drained.

Skincare and Personal Care

  • Antiseptic Qualities: Due to its antiseptic properties, Fir Needle Essential Oil can be a useful addition to homemade skincare products to aid in cleansing and purifying the skin.
  • Muscle Soothing: When diluted with a carrier oil, it can be used in massage blends to provide relief from muscle soreness or stiffness.
  • Odor Neutralization: Its crisp aroma makes it an excellent choice for natural deodorants, ensuring a fresh feel while also providing antimicrobial benefits.

Household Applications

  • Room Freshening: Fir Needle Essential Oil can be diffused or sprayed as a natural room freshener, introducing a forest-like ambiance to indoor spaces.
  • Cleaning: Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties can be harnessed in homemade cleaning solutions, ensuring a hygienic environment without the use of harsh chemicals.
  • Pest Deterrent: Fir Needle Essential Oil can act as a natural deterrent for certain pests, making it a safer alternative to commercial repellents.

Blends and Combinations

One of the reasons for the widespread popularity of Fir Needle Essential Oil is its versatility in blending. It harmoniously pairs with various essential oils, expanding its application horizons:

  • Citrus Blend: Combining Fir Needle with citrus oils like lemon, orange, or grapefruit can result in a rejuvenating and uplifting blend.
  • Relaxing Blend: For a calming concoction, blend Fir Needle with lavender, chamomile, or frankincense.
  • Earthy Blend: To achieve a deep, grounding aroma, pair it with patchouli, cedarwood, or sandalwood.


While Fir Needle Essential Oil offers a plethora of benefits, it's crucial to use it responsibly. Always ensure it's diluted appropriately before topical application, as direct use can cause skin irritation in some individuals. Additionally, individuals with sensitive skin or those who are pregnant should consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating it into their routines. Lastly, always ensure the oil's authenticity, opting for 100% pure, therapeutic-grade oils without adulterants.

From reaping the therapeutic benefits in aromatherapy to harnessing its properties in personal care and household applications, Fir Needle Essential Oil continues to be a cherished natural remedy. Its capacity to transport one's senses to serene forested landscapes, coupled with its multifaceted uses, makes it a staple in many households and wellness routines.

Main Benefits of Fir Needle Essential Oil

Fir Needle Essential Oil is a fragrant essence extracted primarily from the needles of fir trees, especially the Abies sibirica. With a refreshing, woodsy aroma that resonates with the tranquility of forested regions, Fir Needle Essential Oil is more than just a pleasant scent. Over the years, its myriad benefits, both therapeutic and practical, have made it a sought-after oil in various spheres of holistic health and wellness.

Therapeutic Benefits

  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: One of the most celebrated benefits of Fir Needle Essential Oil is its potential to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. When diffused or inhaled, its calming aroma can provide a grounding effect, aiding in balancing emotions and reducing mental fatigue.
  • Respiratory Support: The oil possesses expectorant properties, which can assist in clearing blocked nasal passages and providing relief from congestion. This makes it especially valuable during cold seasons or for those experiencing respiratory discomfort.
  • Muscle Relaxation: When combined with a carrier oil and applied topically, Fir Needle Essential Oil can provide relief from muscle soreness, stiffness, or minor aches. The cooling sensation it offers can be particularly soothing after physical exertion.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: The calming and grounding nature of the oil can also contribute to improved sleep quality, helping those with sleep disturbances or insomnia find a more restful night's sleep.

Practical Uses

  • Natural Antiseptic: Fir Needle Essential Oil exhibits antiseptic properties. This makes it a beneficial addition to homemade skincare and cleaning products, ensuring that surfaces or skin are cleansed and free from harmful microorganisms.
  • Odor Elimination: Its crisp, forest-like scent can be a potent tool in combating unpleasant odors, making it a popular choice for natural deodorants and room sprays.
  • Pest Deterrence: Some pests are deterred by the scent of Fir Needle Essential Oil. Thus, it can be used as a natural repellent, offering a chemical-free option to keep pests at bay.

Enhanced Mood and Cognition

Fir Needle Essential Oil isn't just about relaxation and practical applications; it's also linked to invigoration and cognitive enhancement. The uplifting aroma can serve as a mental stimulant, helping to:

  • Boost Mood: Its scent can act as a natural mood elevator, potentially dispelling feelings of sadness or emotional lethargy.
  • Enhance Concentration: The grounding properties of the oil can improve focus and clarity, making it beneficial during tasks that require heightened attention or meditation practices.

Blending and Aromatherapy Combinations

Another significant benefit of Fir Needle Essential Oil is its versatility in blending. It pairs harmoniously with various essential oils, expanding its range of therapeutic benefits. For example:

  • Invigorating Blends: Combining it with citrus oils like lemon or grapefruit can produce a blend that's both refreshing and energizing.
  • Calming Combinations: When blended with lavender or chamomile, it can offer an even more profound sense of relaxation and peace.

Ultimately, Fir Needle Essential Oil is a multifaceted treasure in the world of essential oils. Its ability to soothe, invigorate, cleanse, and enhance makes it a valuable asset in any holistic health repertoire. Whether you're seeking physical relief, emotional balance, or simply a connection with the serenity of nature, Fir Needle Essential Oil offers a path to these experiences. As with all essential oils, to maximize its benefits, it's crucial to ensure its purity and authenticity and to use it responsibly, considering any individual sensitivities or contraindications.

Principal Constituents of Fir Needle Essential Oil

Fir Needle Essential Oil, derived from the needles of fir trees, primarily the Abies sibirica, is celebrated for its refreshing, woodsy aroma. This unique scent and its associated benefits can be attributed to a complex blend of chemical constituents. These constituents are not only responsible for the oil's signature fragrance but also its therapeutic properties.

Main Constituents

  • α-Pinene: This monoterpene is largely responsible for the oil's fresh, piney aroma. It's also known to have bronchodilatory properties, which can support respiratory health.
  • Camphene: Often present in conifer oils, camphene imparts a camphor-like scent and has potential soothing properties for the skin.
  • β-Pinene: Another monoterpene, β-Pinene shares some similarities with α-Pinene in scent and contributes to the oil's uplifting aroma and potential anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Limonene: This compound provides a hint of citrus to the aroma and possesses potential antioxidant and mood-elevating properties.
  • Bornyl Acetate: A chief contributor to the oil's characteristic scent, bornyl acetate also showcases potential soothing and calming effects.

Trace Constituents

While the compounds mentioned above are prominent in Fir Needle Essential Oil, several other minor constituents play a role in shaping its aroma and properties. These may include:

  • δ-3-Carene: Another constituent that supports the piney aroma and has potential anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Tricyclene: A lesser-known monoterpene with a mild, sweet aroma.

It's essential to note that the exact composition of Fir Needle Essential Oil can vary depending on various factors. These factors can include the specific fir species used, the region in which the tree grows, the time of harvest, and the extraction method employed. Consequently, different batches of the oil might have slight variations in their constituent profile and, by extension, their therapeutic effects.

For those interested in maximizing the benefits of Fir Needle Essential Oil or any essential oil, understanding its chemical constituents can be beneficial. It provides insights into the oil's potential applications and helps ensure safe and effective use. As always, opting for a high-quality, pure essential oil is crucial to reaping its full array of benefits.

How Does Fir Needle Essential Oil Affect Pets?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is often considered safe for human use, especially in aromatherapy and personal care products. However, the situation may be different for our four-legged companions. Here, we will explore how this essential oil may have an impact on pets, particularly dogs and cats.

Is Fir Needle Essential Oil Safe for Dogs?

While some dog owners use essential oils as part of their pet care routine, caution should be exercised when it comes to Fir Needle Essential Oil. Dogs have a much more sensitive sense of smell than humans and can be affected differently by aromatic compounds. In general, small amounts of properly diluted Fir Needle Essential Oil may be tolerable for some dogs, but it's essential to consult a qualified veterinarian for advice tailored to your pet's specific needs.

What About Cats?

Cats are especially sensitive to essential oils, and Fir Needle Essential Oil is no exception. Cats lack certain enzymes that are necessary for metabolizing many substances found in essential oils, making them particularly vulnerable to toxic effects. The use of this essential oil around cats should generally be avoided. If exposure occurs, prompt veterinary attention is crucial.

What Are the Symptoms of Essential Oil Toxicity in Pets?

Signs of essential oil toxicity in pets can include vomiting, lethargy, wobbling, or difficulty breathing. If you suspect that your pet has been exposed to Fir Needle Essential Oil and is showing any of these symptoms, seek veterinary care immediately.

Are There Any Safe Alternatives for Pets?

If you're looking to incorporate aromatic or therapeutic elements into your pet's environment, there are safer alternatives specifically formulated for pets. Always choose products that are vet-approved and designed for pet safety.

In conclusion, while Fir Needle Essential Oil may offer benefits for human use, its effects on pets can be potentially hazardous. Always consult with a veterinarian before using any essential oils in your pet's environment. Taking precautionary steps can go a long way in ensuring the well-being of your furry friends.

What Role Does Fir Needle Essential Oil Play in Aromatherapy?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is a popular choice in aromatherapy for its myriad of perceived benefits. Its crisp, clean, and woodsy aroma is often associated with feelings of grounding, clarity, and emotional balance. The oil is believed to have properties that can aid in mental well-being, relieve stress, and even improve focus.

How Does the Scent of Fir Needle Affect Mood and Emotion?

The scent of Fir Needle Essential Oil is often described as invigorating and uplifting, making it a go-to choice for people looking to relieve mental fatigue, stress, and emotional turbulence. Its grounding properties can be beneficial in practices like meditation or mindfulness, where focus and inner balance are key. Many users report that the scent helps to clear the mind and instill a sense of peace and tranquility.

What Are the Specific Aromatherapy Applications?

In aromatherapy, Fir Needle Essential Oil can be used in various forms including diffusers, inhalers, or diluted in carrier oils for topical application. It blends well with other essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and rosemary, providing a layered aromatic experience. When diffused, it can fill a room with a fresh and uplifting scent that can promote relaxation and mental clarity.

Are There Any Precautions in Aromatherapy Use?

As with any essential oil, it's important to use Fir Needle Essential Oil responsibly. Overuse or improper dilution can lead to skin irritation or other adverse effects. Always adhere to guidelines provided by experts or manufacturers when using this oil in aromatherapy. A patch test is recommended for first-time users to rule out any allergic reactions.

Fir Needle Essential Oil has carved a niche for itself in the realm of aromatherapy. Its unique aroma profile and perceived benefits make it a versatile choice for various aromatic practices. Whether you are looking to uplift your mood, create a calming environment, or improve focus and clarity, Fir Needle Essential Oil offers a naturally aromatic solution to complement your wellness journey.

What is the Historical Background of Fir Needle Essential Oil?

Fir Needle Essential Oil has a rich history, intertwined with traditional medicine, rituals, and a strong connection to the natural world. The use of fir needle and its derivatives can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was often revered for both its aromatic qualities and its range of uses.

Did Ancient Civilizations Use Fir Needle?

Indeed, many ancient civilizations utilized various parts of the fir tree for a multitude of purposes. In European folklore and traditional medicine, it was believed that the fir tree had the ability to ward off evil spirits and illnesses. Native American tribes also used fir needles in their medicinal practices, generally as a poultice for wounds or in teas for respiratory issues.

What Roles Did Fir Needle Play in Traditional Medicine?

In traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), fir needle components were often employed for their believed benefits in balancing bodily energies and promoting respiratory health. In various folk traditions, fir needle concoctions were also used for topical applications, believed to alleviate skin issues and muscular discomfort.

How Did It Evolve Into an Essential Oil?

The distillation of fir needle into an essential oil is a more modern practice, becoming widespread with the advent of steam distillation techniques. As aromatherapy gained traction in the 20th century, Fir Needle Essential Oil found its place in this practice, celebrated for its invigorating and grounding scent. Today, it is a staple in the aromatherapy world and has been incorporated into a multitude of personal care products.

What Impact Does It Have on Modern Industry?

In contemporary times, Fir Needle Essential Oil is commercially produced and widely used not just in aromatherapy but also in a variety of cosmetic and personal care products. Its fresh, earthy aroma and the sense of well-being it invokes make it a popular choice for modern consumers. Furthermore, its various applications in soap making, skincare, and perfumery underline its versatility and enduring appeal.

From its ancient roots to its modern applications, the journey of Fir Needle Essential Oil through history is a fascinating tale of cultural importance, traditional uses, and contemporary significance. Its enduring popularity attests to its multifaceted benefits and universal appeal.

What Are the Safety Concerns Associated with Fir Needle Essential Oil?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is generally considered safe when used properly, but like all essential oils, there are some precautions and safety concerns that should be noted.

Is Fir Needle Essential Oil Safe for Topical Application?

While Fir Needle Essential Oil is often used in skincare and personal care products, it should always be diluted with a carrier oil before applying it to the skin. Undiluted essential oils can cause skin irritation, redness, or even burns. Always perform a patch test before using any new product containing Fir Needle Essential Oil to ensure that it does not cause skin irritation.

Can it Interact with Other Substances?

If you are taking any medication or have a medical condition, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using Fir Needle Essential Oil. Some essential oils can interact with medications or exacerbate medical conditions. Although Fir Needle Essential Oil is generally considered safe, its interactions with other substances have not been thoroughly researched.

Is it Safe for Children and Pets?

Care should be taken when using Fir Needle Essential Oil around children and pets. The oil should be kept out of reach of children and used in a well-ventilated area. As for pets, especially cats and dogs, consult a veterinarian before using any essential oils in an environment they inhabit. Some animals may be sensitive to essential oils and may suffer from respiratory issues or skin irritation.

Are There Any Storage and Handling Precautions?

Fir Needle Essential Oil should be stored in a cool, dark place and out of direct sunlight to preserve its efficacy and shelf life. The oil is flammable and should not be used near open flames or high heat sources. Proper storage also ensures that the oil does not oxidize, which can change its chemical composition and potentially make it more irritating to the skin.

While Fir Needle Essential Oil offers a range of uses in personal care and cosmetic formulations, caution must be exercised to ensure its safe application. Always follow manufacturer guidelines, consult healthcare professionals for medical concerns, and take extra care when using it around vulnerable populations like children and pets.


What is the Difference Between Fir Needle and Balsam Fir Essential Oils?

Both Fir Needle and Balsam Fir essential oils come from the Pinaceae family of trees but are derived from different species and parts of the tree. While they share some similarities, such as a generally woodsy, fresh aroma and various applications in personal care and aromatherapy, there are key differences between the two.

What Species of Trees are These Oils Derived From?

Fir Needle Essential Oil is typically extracted from the needles of the Abies sibirica tree, more commonly known as the Siberian Fir. Balsam Fir Essential Oil, on the other hand, is derived from the Abies balsamea tree.

How Do the Extraction Methods Differ?

Both oils are usually extracted using steam distillation, but the plant material used can differ. Fir Needle Essential Oil is mainly extracted from the needles, as the name suggests. Balsam Fir Essential Oil can be extracted from the needles as well but is sometimes also obtained from the twigs and bark of the tree.

Is There a Difference in Aroma?

Yes, while both oils possess a woodsy, fresh aroma, their scent profiles differ subtly. Fir Needle Essential Oil often has a crisp, slightly sweet, and invigorating aroma. Balsam Fir Essential Oil tends to have a more complex scent profile, usually described as woodsy but also somewhat balsamic and even slightly spicy.

How Do the Oils Vary in Composition?

The chemical constituents of the oils also vary. Both contain a range of terpenes, but the proportions may differ, affecting the oil's therapeutic potential and aroma. It's always a good idea to look at the specific chemical profile of an oil to understand its properties better.

What Are Their Unique Applications?

Both oils are used in aromatherapy and personal care products, such as soaps, skincare, and perfumes. However, because of the differences in their chemical compositions and aromas, they may be chosen for specific formulations to target different effects or scent profiles.

Understanding the differences between Fir Needle and Balsam Fir essential oils can help you make informed decisions when selecting an oil for a particular use. Whether it's the species of tree, extraction methods, aroma, or chemical composition, knowing these distinctions is useful for both enthusiasts and professionals in various industries.

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In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Mariah Smith
Lovely forest scent that reminds me of walking through the tree lot at Christmas
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Mariah Smith
Mariah Smith
Lovely forest scent that reminds me of walking through the tree lot at Christmas
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Gretchen Morganstern
Gretchen Morganstern
Smells just like Christmas, or an evergreen forest! A very fresh & green fragrant oil.
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