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Yarrow Essential Oil

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SoapGoods Inc
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About Yarrow Essential Oil


  • Synonyms:
  • Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
  • Origin: Hungary
  • Plant Part: Flowers
  • Plant Description: Yarrow is also known as milfoil, a reference to its feathery appearance from fern-like feathery leaves. It is a perennial herb with a simple stem that can grow up to one meter (3 feet) in height, bearing numerous pale pink flower heads.
  • Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

The Aroma

  • Aromatic Fragrance: Yarrow is sweet and herbaceous, with spicy tones
  • Aromatic Strength: Medium
  • Note: Top note
  • Blends Well with: Angelica Root, Cedarwood, Pine, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Chamomile
  • Consistency: Thin

Oil Characteristics

  • Natural: This essential oil is from a natural source
  • Color: Clear, greenish to dark blue liquid.
  • Packaging: The 1/2 Oz, 2 Oz and 4 Oz each come in a single amber bottle. The 1 Lb size is in a steel canister, 10 Lb is either a single steel can or several steel canisters

Usage / Benefits

  • Industries:
  • Applications:
  • Benefits:
  • Products Uses:
  • Storage: Cool, dark dry area, air tight container preferred
  • Safety: Generally safe, however keep out of eyes and do not eat.
  • Cautions: Not for ingestion, keep away from pets and children who may attempt to eat.
  • External Use Only: Even if food grade, we do not provide items for ingestion, all of our items are for external use only.

General Description of Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow Essential Oil is a potent and versatile natural product extracted from the flowering tops of the yarrow plant, also known as Achillea millefolium. Named after Achilles, the mythical Greek warrior who is said to have used the yarrow plant to heal soldiers' wounds, this oil has a rich history and a wide range of applications, particularly in personal care, soap making, and cosmetic industries.

Chemical Composition

Yarrow essential oil boasts a complex chemical profile, including compounds like chamazulene, which imparts its blue color, as well as other constituents like cineole, alpha-pinene, and borneol. The oil's unique composition lends itself well to various topical applications.

Extraction Methods

The oil is most commonly obtained through steam distillation, a process that preserves the integrity of the oil’s therapeutic components. This process usually yields a pale blue oil with a herbal, almost camphoraceous aroma.


Yarrow essential oil has a herbaceous and somewhat sweet aroma with a tinge of sharpness. The scent can be quite powerful and may vary depending on the source and the processing method. Its consistency is thin, and the color can range from pale blue to deep indigo depending on its chamazulene content.

Skin Care Applications

Yarrow Essential Oil is highly prized in skincare. Its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties make it suitable for various skin types and conditions. Whether in creams, lotions, or as a component in soap, yarrow essential oil offers moisturizing and rejuvenating effects.

Cosmetic Industry

Yarrow essential oil is often added to cosmetics as an active ingredient or a fragrance component. The oil's anti-aging properties, including its ability to tighten and tone the skin, make it a popular choice in anti-aging products.

Art of Soap Making

In the realm of soap making, yarrow essential oil is lauded for its range of beneficial properties. Its anti-inflammatory action can be particularly soothing in soaps designed for sensitive or problem skin. Moreover, the oil's distinctive blue hue can offer an all-natural coloring option.


Although not as common as some other essential oils, yarrow is sometimes employed in perfumery for its unique, herbaceous scent, usually in combination with other floral or woody notes to create a complex fragrance profile.

Sustainability and Quality

When sourcing yarrow essential oil, it is essential to consider sustainability and quality. Opt for oils that are sustainably sourced and organic, if possible. High-quality, pure yarrow essential oil will provide the most therapeutic benefits.


As with many essential oils, yarrow should be used with caution. Always conduct a patch test before widespread topical use and dilute the oil adequately with a carrier oil. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and those with certain medical conditions should consult with a healthcare provider before using yarrow essential oil.

Uses of Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow Essential Oil's multifaceted benefits make it a staple in a variety of applications, particularly in the realm of personal care, soap making, and cosmetics.

Personal Care Products

In personal care, yarrow essential oil can be found in items like shampoos, conditioners, and hair serums. The oil's astringent properties make it useful in products that aim to reduce oiliness and dandruff. Additionally, it can be found in oral hygiene products like mouthwashes due to its antiseptic qualities.


Yarrow essential oil is a common ingredient in skincare products, including moisturizers, toners, and serums. Its ability to soothe irritation and reduce inflammation makes it especially suitable for sensitive or problematic skin. It is also used in products designed to address acne, as it can help balance sebum levels and cleanse pores.

Soap Making

For soap makers, yarrow essential oil offers both functional and aesthetic benefits. Its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties make it an excellent ingredient for soaps formulated for sensitive skin. Additionally, its blue color provides a natural tint to the finished product, making chemical dyes unnecessary.


Yarrow essential oil has carved a niche for itself in cosmetics as well. It's often added to makeup products like foundation and concealer to offer additional skincare benefits. Its astringent properties make it an excellent addition to setting sprays, helping to refine pores and set makeup.

Bath Products

The oil is also frequently included in bath products like salts, oils, and bath bombs. Its calming and anti-inflammatory properties can turn a simple bath into a luxurious spa-like experience.

In summary, the versatile nature of yarrow essential oil, coupled with its range of beneficial properties, makes it a valuable addition to a wide array of products in the personal care, soap making, and cosmetic industries.

Main Benefits of Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow essential oil, derived from the flowers of the Achillea millefolium plant, has been used historically in traditional medicine systems across various cultures. In modern times, its multifaceted benefits have been rediscovered, especially in the realms of skincare, relaxation, and holistic wellness.

1. Skin Health and Healing

Yarrow essential oil is renowned for its skin-healing properties. It's been used to treat a range of skin issues, from minor cuts and wounds to more complex conditions like eczema and burns. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness, while its astringent qualities can aid in tightening the skin and minimizing pores.

2. Hair Care

Due to its astringent properties, yarrow essential oil can also benefit the scalp. When used in hair care formulations, it may help combat dandruff and reduce scalp inflammation, promoting healthier hair growth.

3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction

The calming scent of yarrow essential oil can promote relaxation and alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. When diffused or added to massage oils, it provides a tranquil ambiance, helping to release tension and induce calmness.

4. Menstrual and Hormonal Balance

Historically, yarrow has been used to alleviate menstrual cramps and promote hormonal balance. The essential oil, when diluted and used in massage, can provide relief from PMS symptoms and regulate irregular menstrual cycles.

5. Digestive Aid

Yarrow essential oil has been used in traditional medicine to improve digestion and alleviate issues like bloating, indigestion, and gas. It helps in toning up the stomach and improving its function.

6. Natural Decongestant

Its expectorant properties make yarrow essential oil beneficial for respiratory conditions. When diffused, it can help clear congestion and facilitate easier breathing in conditions like colds or allergies.

7. Wound Healing and Disinfection

Yarrow essential oil's antiseptic properties protect wounds from infections, promoting quicker healing. Additionally, it can reduce the visibility of scars and other blemishes on the skin when used regularly.

In conclusion, yarrow essential oil's diverse benefits range from skincare to emotional wellness, making it a versatile addition to any holistic health regimen. However, like all essential oils, it's crucial to use yarrow oil with care and knowledge, ensuring safe and optimal outcomes. Always remember to dilute it properly before topical application and consult a professional if you're considering internal use.

Principal Constituents of Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow essential oil, with its rich and varied composition, offers a unique profile of chemical constituents, each contributing to the oil's therapeutic effects.

1. Azulene

One of the most notable components of yarrow essential oil is azulene, which imparts the characteristic blue color to the oil. Azulene is known for its potent anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties, making yarrow oil beneficial for various skin conditions.

2. Borneol and Camphor

These components provide yarrow oil with its aromatic scent. They also have invigorating properties that can stimulate the senses and refresh the mind when diffused.

3. Isoartemesia Ketone

This particular constituent is known for its antiseptic properties, aiding in preventing infections and promoting wound healing.

4. Sabinene and Terpinene

Both sabinene and terpinene have been researched for their potential antioxidant properties, which can combat free radicals and promote skin health.

In essence, the constituents of yarrow essential oil work synergistically to provide its wide range of therapeutic benefits. While the oil contains numerous other minor compounds, the ones listed above are the most predominant and influential in its effects.

Effects of Yarrow Essential Oil on Pets

Yarrow essential oil, derived from the Achillea millefolium plant, has a host of benefits for humans. However, when it comes to pets, particularly cats and dogs, caution is imperative. Like many essential oils, what's beneficial for humans isn't always safe for pets.

1. Toxicity in Cats

Cats lack specific liver enzymes which are essential for metabolizing and eliminating various substances, including some compounds found in essential oils. Even if yarrow essential oil isn’t considered one of the most toxic, it can still be potentially harmful when ingested, inhaled, or applied topically on cats. Symptoms of toxicity can include drooling, vomiting, tremors, respiratory distress, and lethargy.

2. Dogs and Yarrow Essential Oil

Dogs are generally more tolerant than cats, but they can also exhibit signs of distress or irritation with certain essential oils. If used (always in a highly diluted form), it's vital to monitor your dog for any adverse reactions such as skin irritation, excessive drooling, or changes in behavior.

3. Diffusing Around Pets

When diffusing yarrow essential oil in a home with pets, ensure the room is well-ventilated, and the pet has an option to leave the area if they seem agitated or uncomfortable. The strong aroma might be overwhelming or irritating for them.

In conclusion, while yarrow essential oil can be beneficial for humans, it's crucial to use it with utmost caution around pets. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any essential oil into your pet's environment or routine.

Aromatherapy Aspect of Yarrow Essential Oil

Yarrow essential oil is a cherished gem in the world of aromatherapy. Its complex, woody, and slightly sweet aroma has been valued for both its therapeutic and spiritual qualities.

1. Emotional Well-being

Yarrow oil's scent is grounding and can help anchor erratic emotions, making it ideal for use during meditation or times of emotional upheaval. It's believed to offer protection against negative energies and promote inner strength.

2. Calming Properties

The calming aroma of yarrow essential oil can be beneficial for individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, or insomnia. When diffused, its scent helps create a peaceful ambiance, conducive to relaxation and sleep.

3. Spiritual Use

In many cultures, yarrow has spiritual significance. The essential oil, when used in aromatherapy practices, is thought to open the heart and mind, making it useful for deep meditation, introspection, and spiritual connection.

In the realm of aromatherapy, yarrow essential oil stands out not just for its therapeutic properties but also its ability to touch the deeper layers of the psyche. Its unique aroma, combined with its therapeutic constituents, makes it a valuable addition to any aromatherapist's collection.

History of Yarrow Essential Oil

The history of yarrow essential oil is deeply rooted in ancient practices, folklore, and traditional medicine. The yarrow plant, scientifically known as Achillea millefolium, has been used for millennia for its healing properties. It is named after the mythical Greek hero Achilles, who is said to have used yarrow to heal his soldiers' wounds during the Trojan War.

Ancient Usage

Historical records indicate that yarrow has been used since at least the time of ancient Greece. The herb was well-regarded for its medicinal qualities and was employed in a variety of applications, ranging from wound healing to reducing inflammation. Various cultures have used yarrow for spiritual practices, as well. Native Americans, for example, used it in purification rituals and as a component in herbal blends for smudging.

Traditional Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, yarrow has been used to balance the energies of the body and to treat various ailments, including digestive issues and menstrual discomfort. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is known for its ability to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

Modern Developments

The extraction of yarrow essential oil, usually through steam distillation, has made it easier to utilize the plant's beneficial properties in a more concentrated form. As the understanding of its chemical composition grew, the oil began to find its place in modern personal care products, cosmetics, and soap making.

Additional Safety Concerns of Yarrow Essential Oil

While yarrow essential oil is generally considered safe for topical use when properly diluted, it’s important to consider several safety concerns to ensure optimal benefits.

Skin Sensitivity

Some individuals may experience skin sensitivity or allergic reactions when using yarrow essential oil. Always conduct a patch test before using it in large quantities. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid using yarrow essential oil unless under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as the effects of yarrow essential oil on pregnancy and lactation have not been thoroughly studied.

Medical Conditions

People with certain medical conditions, such as liver disease or hormone-sensitive conditions, should consult a healthcare provider before using yarrow essential oil. The oil can interact with certain medications and may exacerbate some conditions.

Dilution and Application

Yarrow essential oil is potent and should always be diluted with a carrier oil before topical application. Undiluted use can lead to skin irritation, burns, or sensitization.

Internal Use

Internal use of yarrow essential oil is not recommended without the supervision of a healthcare provider, as it can have toxic effects when ingested in large amounts.

As with any essential oil, it’s crucial to adhere to proper usage guidelines and consult with healthcare professionals for specific medical concerns.


Why is Yarrow Oil Valued Highly?

Yarrow essential oil, derived from the Achillea millefolium plant, is one of the pricier essential oils available in the market. Several factors contribute to its higher cost, which go beyond the oil's well-known therapeutic benefits. Let's delve into the reasons behind its premium price.

Why is the Harvesting Process of Yarrow Plant Labor-Intensive?

The yarrow plant is delicate, and the essential oil extraction process requires a meticulous approach. Harvesting is typically done by hand to ensure only the best parts of the plant are chosen without damaging the delicate flowers. This labor-intensive process adds to the overall cost of production, subsequently making the oil pricier.

What Makes the Distillation Process of Yarrow Oil Unique?

Yarrow oil extraction predominantly relies on steam distillation, a method that ensures the retention of its valuable therapeutic properties. However, it takes a considerable amount of plant material to produce just a small quantity of the essential oil. The low yield combined with the delicate nature of the plant contributes to its higher price.

Why is Authenticity and Purity Paramount for Yarrow Oil?

The market for essential oils is vast, and unfortunately, it's not uncommon to come across diluted or adulterated products. Authentic and pure yarrow essential oil ensures users reap its therapeutic benefits. Suppliers who prioritize purity and quality usually invest more in sourcing, testing, and certifying their oils, which can reflect in the oil's cost.

Does the Geographic Origin of Yarrow Affect Its Price?

Yes, the origin does play a role. Yarrow is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. However, not all regions yield the same quality of oil. Soil quality, climate conditions, and cultivation practices in different regions can impact the oil's constituent profile. Oils sourced from optimal locations, which provide the best therapeutic properties, might be priced higher.

While yarrow essential oil may come with a heftier price tag, its cost is a reflection of the meticulous care, effort, and stringent standards maintained throughout its production process. For those seeking its therapeutic benefits, the investment in genuine yarrow oil is often considered worthwhile.

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In the expansive world of online retail, there exists a unique niche for hobbyists and professionals alike: soap and cosmetic making. One standout in this niche is our store,

SoapGoods is an online-only retailer that has carved out a space in the market by catering to the specific needs of those passionate about handcrafted soap, skincare, and cosmetics. Offering an array of high-quality ingredients and supplies, SoapGoods aims to be a one-stop-shop for everything needed to create personal care items, from the basic to the most intricate.


The product range at SoapGoods is vast and encompasses a wide variety of categories. Here are some of the main ones:

  • Oils and Butters: Fundamental to soap-making, oils and butters like olive oil pomace, coconut oil 76, shea butter refined, and cocoa butter natural provide the base for many formulations. Each oil or butter possesses unique properties, be it moisturizing capabilities, lathering quality, or hardness.
  • Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils: To give handmade soaps and cosmetics their distinctive scents, SoapGoods offers a diverse selection of essential oils derived from natural plants and fragrance oils which are more complex, synthetic scents.
  • Additives: From natural clays and botanicals to exfoliating agents like pumice and walnut shell, these additives help enhance the texture, appearance, and benefits of the final product.
  • Colorants: SoapGoods provides a range of pigments, dyes, and micas, allowing crafters to achieve the perfect hue for their creations.
  • Molds and Equipment: Beyond ingredients, SoapGoods stocks a variety of tools and equipment. Silicone molds, thermometers, pH testers, and more ensure that hobbyists and professionals can craft their products with precision.
  • Packaging Supplies: For those looking to sell or gift their creations, the store offers an assortment of packaging materials, including bottles, jars and shrink wraps.

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One of the standout features of SoapGoods is its commitment to quality. Many products are sourced to ensure they are non-GMO, and from reputable sources. After 20 years in the industry, we have been able to find the highest quality sources at fair prices. This dedication to quality resonates with a clientele that values natural and ethical ingredients.

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Disclaimer: All product descriptions and specifications provided in this description are intended as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. While we strive for accuracy, discrepancies or errors may be present. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Annika Authement
Very potent plant - check out Hildegard of Bingen's suggestions for usage of yarrow. Happy to find this on Soapgoods!
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Annika Authement
Annika Authement
Very potent plant - check out Hildegard of Bingen's suggestions for usage of yarrow. Happy to find this on Soapgoods!
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